anything is possible

A real sense of what might be possible (and a lovely fog) hangs in the air at the start of a half marathon
I’ve been reading a lot about self limiting beliefs recently, mainly from the third person perspective loving the escape artist, and I have to admit it’s really starting to ring a bell with me. A year or so ago I would have never thought I could run a sub 1:30 half marathon, or smash a 6 minute mile by over half a minute. I was held back by self limiting beliefs that I only had a certain level of fitness or speed in my genetic make up and that all those people faster than I was just got lucky in the gene lottery.
While this must be partially true; there is clearly some genetic advantage to certain people doing certain tasks; I think we give it way too much weighting in our minds with regards to what our personal capabilities are 1.
I think cultivating the opposite viewpoint that anything is possible is a much better attitude in life.
How many times have you heard a grown adult utter such sentences as:
“Oh that sounds far too technical for me, I just haven’t got the brain for it!”
“Yea that’s fine for you, you are lucky you are fit, there’s no way I could run/cycle for that long a distance/lift that amount of weight (etc…)!”
“There is just no progression path at my job, and there’s no way I’d get a job elsewhere, so I am stuck where I am for now!”
“I’ll leave it to the professionals, I’d just mess it up if I did it myself!”
In fact I’d unhappily own up to saying or thinking similar things for a few of those in the past!
People thinking these sorts of things are completely mugging themselves of by:
- Enforcing a self limiting belief
- Giving themselves an excuse on why not to even try to better themselves
- Sticking with the status quo rather than challenging themselves
- Being happy with mediocrity or worse
Why would anyone do this? The main reason is simply that most people don’t like change are set in their ways. To get many people to try something radically new once they’ve reached adulthood is akin to making a cup of tea with the proverbial chocolate teapot. The second reason is that they are scared of failure. However we know already that there is no failure don’t we? If you missed the link to that one here it is again 🙂
Now I’ve been chirping about running a 1:30 half Maro but there are clearly people out there way better than that, and there is no real reason I can’t get better either.
peak performance vs tiny gains
It may surprise or even annoy you to find out that to break the 1:30 mark I did very little training. Here is the month leading up to the run on my run tracker:
To summarise, the longest run I did was 7 miles and the fastest pace was 6:52 (for only 5 miles) while on race day the pace was 6:43 for 13.1 miles. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying anyone can start from scratch and hit this sort of target in one month with little training: I have been running semi regularly for about 5 years now! So there has been a long and steady build up to this.
But there are a few key takeaways from this in my opinion:
- Pushing to your level of peak performance whenever you train is much more efficient and effective than more regular but tiny gains. I’ve seen this myself in practice over the last year and a half where my PB has dropped to 1:35, then 1:32 and now 1:29. I have also started to read a lot more about why it works better in practice as well. See this excellent post from beyond growth on tiny gains vs peak performance training.
- You don’t have to waste hours and hours on working out to drastically improve your fitness, as long as you are always pushing the envelope and out of your comfort zone when you do.
- Believing that you can do something is half the battle – In fact you don’t even have to have full conviction (although it clearly helps) that you can. I think a good mindset is to look at other people who have done a similar thing. Are they really that different from you? The likelihood is that they are also just a normal human being without any specific super powers, just like you, so if they can do it, there is no reason why you cannot.
So stop wasting your time with complex and time consuming training plans and simply hit it hard whenever you work out. As an example of what not to do (IMO) when training for a marathon check out this punishing and overly time consuming schedule Kapitalust is putting himself through. Good luck with that mate!
I will insert the obvious but necessary caveat here that only you know your own body, listen to it!!! You must avoid injuries at all cost otherwise you cannot train at all! YMMV and all that!!!
It is also worth bearing in mind that when we are talking about how tiny gains are inefficient here we are not talking about the aggregation of marginal gains which is a completely different thing and definitely a desirable strategy:
- Tiny gains – trying to improve on your performance linearly e.g. shave 1 second off your 10K run every time you do it (this will clearly take forever to see any tangible PB improvements)
- Aggregation of marginal gains – Make lot’s of small improvements in different areas of your life which all add up to a sum total greater than each individual gain by itself. E.g: improve diet + improve training schedule + get more sleep + stop drinking alcohol = Massively improved running performance compared to just doing one of these by themselves!
the point of diminishing returns
Now, while peak performance training will rapidly get you through the low hanging fruit stage of improving, you will obviously come to the stage where there are no quick wins left. This is called the point of diminishing returns. I fear that in my running I have already reached this point although I have no idea until I push myself further and see how quickly I can improve yet again.
Needless to say though, to improve any further it is very likely that I will need to take training more seriously and not just go for a few short runs in the month leading up to the next half marathon I do!!!
If you are starting out on any self improvement project your main aim should be to race through the low hanging fruit section as fast as you can until you hit the point of diminishing returns. By doing this you enjoy the benefits of the improved performance for longer as you’ve reached it faster. This is fairly simple logic but that is lost on many who think that small but regular improvements are easier and more sustainable.
pick an FI incubator project
Linking this all back to finances and financial independence, I think that attempting to do something reeeaaaallllly hard is a great way to train yourself for the long slog that is the road to financial independence.
You could pick anything that you deem a large and hard task, such as:
- Running a marathon
- Cycling the length of a medium sized country
- Over coming one of your fears by crushing your comfort zone
- Learning to play a musical instrument
- Deciding to refit your whole bathroom without any prior plumbing knowledge
These sort of challenges are what I like to call an FI incubator project, because they are training your brain and body to think BIG, think long term, become a planner, and work hard, which are exactly the sort of behaviours required to reach financial independence.
These FI incubator projects force you to come up with a plan. The plan needs to be a good one and it needs to be executed well, otherwise your project will likely never be completed. The parallels to FI should be obvious.
The key thing for me is that despite these things being large or long-term challenges, the timescales involved are of a magnitude less than those required to reach FI for an average earner. So it is much easier to get a mental model of how they can be possible into your brain.
If you are struggling to see how FI is possible, I would challenge you to pick another, practically impossible (to you) task with a much shorter timescale, and see if you can come up with a plan to get it done. Then go do it 🙂
If you’ve already run a marathon then challenge yourself with doing another one in an “impossible” time, or pick something completely new (climbing Kilimanjaro perhaps?!). Constantly challenge your limits and erode those self limiting beliefs. Once you start to surprise yourself and push past those previous boundaries, then the mammoth task of saving up enough money to last you for the rest of your life will not seem like such a daunting task.
walking the talk
Rather than just wang on at you lot about all of this I better nail my colours to the mast and put out some really challenging goals. You may have guessed by now but they will revolve around running.
I am going to run 3 half marathons in 3 consecutive weekends starting from February 21st, and I want to smash my PB in each of them. Current PB times with new targets are going to be:
- Tunbridge wells half: PB 1:32 / Target: 1:26:00 (Pace 6:29 min/mile)
- Brighton half: PB 1:35 / Target 1:22:00 (Pace 6:15 min/mile)
- Eastbourne half: PB 1:59 (Before you question this time, I was hungover! 🙂 ) / Target 1:30:00* (Pace 6:43 min/mile)
*Eastbourne half is a beast!!! Very hilly and windy along the coast as well, the winning times are around 10-15 minutes higher than the Brighton half, plus it will be my third in a row and the legs will no doubt be tired. Hence the longer target time!
To help me along the way I will need to hit some intermediate goals at shorter distances, to get the peak performance training up as much as possible:
- I will run a mile in 5:00 mins
- I will run 2 miles in 10:40 mins
- I will run 3 miles in 17:00 mins
- I will finish in the top 3 at my local park run (5km in anywhere around 18 minutes should do this, depending on who else turns up. It’s very hilly)
- I will run a 10K in 37:00 minutes (Pace 5:58 min/mile)
over to you…
I’d love to hear some of your FI incubator projects you have in the pipeline or have done in the past… Please let me know in the comments below! It would be great to get some other ideas.
If you can’t think of anything now then don’t worry about it. I will come back to this in a few weeks and remind everyone to see if anyone has thought of anything in the mean time. I think it would be really good to get everyone to write down a real stretch goal and then check in say once a month with everyone’s progress in the comments section so we can spur each other on.
So have a long hard think, if you think of anything straight away and are game for a challenge then just leave a comment below! If not, hopefully you can think of something in the next few weeks!
I will sign off by paraphrasing Paula at afford anything and say this:
You might not be able to do everything but you can do anything
Addendum: I had this post in my drafts before TEA posted this article which has similar themes and at the end of which he challenges himself to running a marathon. It’s great to see we’re both thinking along the same lines!
TEA says his excuse for not doing it sooner was always that he never had enough time due to work etc… but I see no reason why people can’t do this sort of thing well before they hit FI and quit their jobs, so get out there and do it people! 🙂
- And besides in the task at hand, running long distances, I am and always have been built like a long distance runner anyway, so I have no excuses on that front! ↩
Discussion (22) ¬
I’d love to be able to match those sort of half marathon times. My quickest ever was about 1:45 back when I was 16 and a lifeguard. Now more than a decade older and working in IT has significantly slowed me down with my last time in at 2:10. I think if I could get back to 1:45 I’d be extremely happy!
What’s stopping you getting back into it seriously ERG? Is it just time contraints etc…? Are you tempted to make this an FI Incubator/anything is possible challenge and get back down to 1:45?! 🙂
Go for it ERG!!! 🙂
You set a good example, my friend. I start running too in the last two weeks but my times are not like yours at all. Anyway, in the end we compete only against ourselves, and i run twice in the first week, five times in second, and now is the third. I start with 1-1,8 miles running sessions, and i will try to improve a bit from one week to another. My last run was 2.99 miles on Monday, but i needed 2 days rest after that. So i think i need to improve at a slower rate, but often. Currently i am at 14 min per mile, imagine that. Anyway, my asthma seems to get better after running, so i consider it a win.
What is a half marathon?
Hi George,
You are 100% correct this isn’t about comparing what everyone is doing but working out what your own pre-conceived limits are and then trying to SMASH THEM!!!!
Sounds like you are taking to running very quickly! But yes don’t forget to rest, that is just as important as doing the excercise.
I’m glad to hear it’s helping with your asthma, a win all round mate!
Half marathon is 13.1 miles! It sounds like a lot when you start up but once you get past being able to run/jog for around 5 miles continuously, there really isn’t that much difference up to 13, it’s just more of a mental game at that stage. The body easily stores enough energy to cope with that length of run so it’s just if the lungs and legs can keep it up and you can keep on running through the pain (if you have any. Quite likely on your first few attempts!) and so training your lungs and muscles to get better and more efficient.
14 min/mile means you have a lot of low hanging fruit to pick off, I am sure you can get a lot quicker and fast, it will feel great when you see improvements and you will do if you keep it up like you have done so far.
Good luck and let us know if you have any specific goals so we can cheer you on! 🙂
Great post and great results with your running! Funny how you mention the self-limiting beliefs that stop people (including yourself in the past) from doing things as this was touched upon by a recent book I read, namely “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
It’s pretty much a self-help book (albeit written in the 1930s) but one quote (among many) which resonated with me was:
“Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds”
I’m working on a little review so will post that at some point.
As for an FI incubator project, I have a feeling that switching from Blogger to WordPress is going to be that project!
At the moment, what’s going on at work is on my mind so I can’t even contemplate starting it but it is on the cards!
Thanks for the shout out TFS! I can’t even believe 4 months of training is done and the marathon is happening this weekend. I also can’t believe that I’ve run close to 700km to prepare for this. If you’d asked me before, I would have said no way I can run 700 kms in 4 months. The things you can do when you just start doing.
No probs!
That’s very impressive! Fair play to you and I didn’t run anywhere near that amount on the run up to my marathon.
It just goes to show you what you do when you put your mind to something and commit.
Good luck for the big day, I’ll check in to see how you got on next week, I am sure you will smash it! 😀
Hey TFS,
Great post. So many bloggers in our sphere our writing about motivation and goals right now; I would say it’s uncanny, but everything happens for a reason. We can all help to motivate each other, and you are a great example of trying to make improvements, so keep up the good work!
Just to touch on something you said in the first half of this post:
“The main reason is simply that most people don’t like change are set in their ways. To get many people to try something radically new once they’ve reached adulthood is akin to making a cup of tea with the proverbial chocolate teapot. The second reason is that they are scared of failure”
I do wonder whether the reason why people get set in their ways in the first place is rooted in the fear of failure… It is a paralysing fear, and one that needs to be eradicated as much as possible form our lives. There is literally no point to it. Not that I am saying ‘throw caution to the wind’, but there is nothing wrong with failing. You should even congratulate yourself for failing! Failing allows you to learn and grow from an experience – you wouldn’t get that kind of learning from anything else.
I wrote earlier this year about why – I’m sure to some I looked like a failure, but if that hadn’t have happened, my life would not be where it is right now. I’m pretty sure I also wouldn’t have gotten back to being interested in FI-PF stuff either.
Thanks again for a great post. Looking forward to seeing you soon at the
I think often us bloggers just get inspired from what they read and then put their own spin on it. Nowt wrong with that, like! 😉
I agree that those two reasons are very closely related, good insight M! 🙂
Yes I’ve read so many things on that failure is a good thing and is only really learning (and experienced it first hand to know this by this point in life) it has pretty much become second nature now. I don’t think that is a very common viewpoint unfortunately though, and I wish I’d have gotten my head around it a bit earlier in my life. Better late than never eh!? 🙂
I liked the post of yours, thanks for linking and see you soon :
Great stuff. I love the phrase “FI Incubator project”. It needs to be something which you currently think is practically impossible for you….but that other people have done. So when you then achieve it, you say “Hold on…what else is possible??”. A good example for me was going onto a paleo diet and seeing the fat melt away…this showed me how the conventional wisdom can be totally wrong. This helped me make the mental leap to believing FI to be possible…even with 3 kids in SE England etc etc
Thanks TEA, glad you liked it!
Yes it’s a great moment of clarity when you realise that conventional wisdom is quite often bullshit and also when you achieve something you never thought you could. All great steps towards that self-actualisation we’re all chasing I am sure.
Next stop FI… 😉 Cheers!
Great post, thanks for the frequent posts too. David Schwartz’s “Magic of thinking BIG” is definately worth a read if you havent read it yet.
I trained last year for regular off road races from 3 to 26 miles and managed a 1:32 half (which was a PB by a long way). Working on running cadence (aiming for 180 steps/min) to improve running efficiency made a huge difference.
My light bulb moment was on a treadmill running at 6:45 pace “normally”, then going to 180 spm. I couldnt believe i hadnt changed the pace for the amount of effort i was putting in. Its worth exploring, especially if you THINK you start seeing diminishing gains.
Welcome SLG and thanks for commenting!
I remember reading MMM’s blog post about The Magic of Thinking Big a while back and it really resonated with me. Here is the post if anyone else wants a quick link to it:
Another one I’ll have to add to my reading list. (Maybe that should be my next FI Incubator project, to read a few books of my “to read” list. This seems like an impossible task right now I have to say! 😀 )
I hadn’t heard of the 180 cadence thing before but just had a quick google. Thanks for the tip!
However I think I have inadvertently discovered this trick myself. I started listening to Drum n Bass music while running a while back and realised that if I ran in time to the beats I could keep up a decent pace for longer amounts of time (i.e. I must have been putting less effort in as you discovered on the treadmill).
What is the average BPM (Beats per minute) of the Drum n Bass music I was listening to? You guessed it…
180 BPM
It’s good to know the science behind it though so again thanks for the link, and I will be researching the topic further for more insight and tips!
Many thanks again and hope to hear from you again soon 😀
I went a little of the rails with Goal Setting when I set some fairly big ones and completely failed against them. One was to learn conversational French in a year. Complete fail! But then, I did learn some French, so reframing goals is perhaps a good tactic to get comfortable with. Then, keep building on the (even slight) progress. Good luck with running.
I agree, there is no point in agonising when a goal is not met. Better to reframe it, take the positives and move on and build on it in the future if you can. I went crazy on goals (i.e. too many of them for time to realistically allow) both years I have had this blog and failed on a fair few, it annoyed me a bit at the time but looking back so what?!
Better to think of 5 big goals and hit 40% (i.e. 2) of them than 100% of no goals at all.
How did you do? 1 down presumably? 1:26 smashed, nearly smashed, PB smashed, nowhere close, DNR?
Eager for no.2 or not? Have a good run this weekend.
Thanks for checking in on my SLG! 🙂
I’m just about to release the February update where all will be revealed, so look out for that!
However it’s probably not *quite* what you were expecting 😉