dealing with demotivation
You may have noticed that I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks, and I have to admit I’ve felt a total lack of inspiration of what to write and also no motivation to try to force anything through on top of that. I think with writing or any remotely creative process this must be the hardest part of the “job” which is to still produce things even though inspiration is low. To get over that you need to look to motivational factors to get the inspirational juices flowing again. When both are lacking, there is no output (as I have clearly demonstrated 🙂 !).
We can’t be expected to be firing on all cylinders at all times and I often find myself going through waves of productivity where sometimes I am smashing out lots of great work and sometimes it takes me a week to do a couple of simple tasks, this happens in all areas: at home, on the blog and in the office. I’ve often wondered why this is and if there is anything I can do to shorten the periods where I’m in a bit of a funk and lengthen the periods when I’m feeling mega-productive/inspired/motivated. Maybe a new word is required for this state where you are in the flow which we could call Prodmotispired or Insproductivated? 🙂
I can pin point a few obvious factors for while I’ve been feeling this but I’m also sure there some deeper psychological or brain/mood cycle type of reasons, especially on the inspiration front, that will remain (to me at least) forever unknown.
reasons excuses for being demotivated
- Tiredness – If I’m generally feeling tired and my brain is not firing on all cylinders it’s hard to get going on anything! I’ve felt very tired recently. (Poor me! 😉 )
- Too busy/lack of time – This is related to the above but if I’m busy doing other stuff and I don’t feel I have the time to give a creative process justice I often find I will just elect not to start doing it at all. I’ve been (over) training for a half marathon in the last 2 weeks in any of the spare time I’ve had, due to leaving it too late to build up at a slower pace. This is usually always a bad idea and has also contributed somewhat to #1.
- Analysis paralysis – This happens at work most often, if I have a “To Do” list that is simply overwhelmingly large and I know I need to be uber-productive to have any chance of making decent headway into it, the complete opposite happens. I will just flit between tasks not really achieving much, or worse, just find busy work and other distractions to put off even starting the list. This is for me, the worst kind of funk to be in because I know I am just wasting my own time, and as someone focused on spending our precious universal currency of time as intentionally as I can, I hate that!
- Other external factors – A catch all category that will no doubt be different from person to person but that includes for me: Trains being too busy (to sit down and write stuff for the blog), internet connections playing up, getting interrupted by other people (at work especially), watching too much TV (due to being too tired to bother doing anything else), having too many social commitments and household chores to have a decent chunk of time to bother doing anything else, and so on…
Maybe you can empathise with some of these? Also if you care to add any more of your own in the comments, then go for it 🙂
Now on to what to do about it…
ideas for getting out of your demotivated funk
- Acknowledge it – The first step in any process like this is to acknowledge there is a problem in the first place! Recognise you are in a funk and bring it to the forefront of your mind, only then will you have the chance to focus on the issue and make some positive changes.
- JFDI – If you’ve not heard this acronym before see the definition here 🙂 . It’s simple but quite effective. If you just sit down and say to yourself I’ve got to start this task then sooner or later you will find yourself chugging your way through it and making progress. The motivation should start flooding back at this point! This is especially handy for when you have analysis paralysis or a large “To Do” list, you have to start somewhere so just pick one of the tasks and JFDI!
- Eat the frog – There is a whole book 1 based off of this phrase (which I haven’t read!) but to sum up the general idea: Pick the hardest thing on your “To Do” list and do that first. This helps motivation hugely because once that is done everything else will seem progressively easier and you will feel like you are simply on fire! I really like this concept and hopefully I will eat the frog and actually get around to reading the book one day! 😀
- Remove all distractions – When you are feeling demotivated you tend to find anything to do instead of what you should be doing. With the always on internet it is very hard to removal all distractions but any attempts at removing distractions is worth it! When I start working from home more I am going to really have to keep a tab on this and it is quite a worry for me, but there are easy steps you can take such as turning off the TV/Radio. You can even user internet blocking software that can either block access to certain sites you know you go to waste time on, or even just block the internet entirely if you don’t need it for the thing you’re working on.
- Stay Healthy – We know the old adage a healthy body = a healthy mind and all that, but I think that avoiding certain foods or habits can help the brain function better even without regular exercise (not that this should be used as an excuse not to stay active of course!). This old article from brip blap has some great quick fire tips to keep everything sharp up in noggin department (as well as the physical world)
- Create your own time – I’ve whined about not having time and the trains being too busy to sit down, but I know for a fact that I can get the slow train and get a seat (and more time to write/do whatever I wanted to do) but just have not done that for ages. So I only have myself to blame here! If you can control certain aspects of your life to make extra time to be productive then, well, see point #2 I suppose!!! 🙂
- Using demotivation as inspiration – OK this is quite niche and not sure if it can be applied universally but I’ve used the fact that I am demotivated about writing the blog as inspiration to write a blog post. Clever or wot!? 🙂 . On a more general level you could just try to use the fact that you have realised you are demotivated as a source of motivation, and so turn the whole thing on it’s head!
- Let people know what you are working on – If you are trying to do something at home you must say that you are working otherwise be at constant risk of being interrupted. (I almost never do this so this is one for me to work on!!!). The corollary in the office is that you should tell your colleagues what you are working on, then you are accountable for it. This will often happen in team meetings or daily catch ups anyway, but there are periods at my work where this doesn’t happen and you can get away with drifting for a while. If this starts to happen, I need to tell other people what I’m doing and then I will simply have to do it!
- Check out this list – If all else fails check this list of 50 things to keep productive. I’ll be saving this in my favourites to skim through next time I’m feeling like this!
What do you do to keep motivated? Have you ever gone through a prolongued period of demotivation and how did you pull yourself out of it?
Cheers and have a great and motivated weekend folks! 🙂
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Discussion (26) ¬
I totally understand you right now. I had a day of yesterday and i was getting ready from long time to do a full 8 hours – 8 modules – Japanese course. Guess what, after 3 modules i reach my limit and i stopped. Is still good, but not good enough. I will try with other occasion, at least now i got only 5 modules left. And that is only yesterday example.
Just to offer a suggestion (and blatantly promote my website, i know) take a look here. I think this will be a very good idea and will raise our futures meetings to another level. Just a tought.
Hi George!
Thanks for the comment as always 🙂
I can’t imagine learning Japanese is very easy going so no wonder you bombed out after 3 modules! Good luck with completing the further 5 though.
Thanks for the link and as I see weenie has already suggested to try to pop along to Huw’s next meetup which is in October!
Funny you should mention this; I’ve fallen behind on my normal posting routine mostly through a combination of “lack of time” and “lack of ideas”.. well, not really lack of ideas; I tend to have so many random finance related thoughts during the day but usually at awkward moments like stood in the shower or during a long drive. It’s then finding the motivation to come home and write about those thoughts afterwards. Perhaps “lack of ideas at the right time”?
Interesting ‘eat the frog’ idea there, and totally at odds to what we’re trained to do at work which is instead ‘pick the low hanging fruit first’. Perhaps I’ll try swapping it round for a week and report back.
Hi Guy,
I know what you mean! I often find myself waking up at night scoping out a whole amazingly insightful post in my head and then when I wake up in the morning I’ve just completely forgotten most of it. We need Google to invent the thought to text app then I’d be set! 🙂
Good luck with trying out the eating the frog method! It’s may not always be the best method for every situation but worth a go if you are feeling at a loss on what to tackle, just go for that big ‘orrible looking frog of a task!
I want to share with you a Kickstarter programme I found yesterday, being self-employed has become tough recently I’d like to think I’d burnt myself out and last week I did very little other than shower… Because I could, there was nobody to tell me to go to work, to do stuff etc… I felt guilty but at the same time I didn’t care. Having read this Kickstarter campaign I feel pumped it was though someone had felt exactly the same as you and I and decided to come up with the most perfect solution in order to gain results. Hope it does the same for you as it has for me.
Oooh, that sounds interesting TMM (Like the acronymisation of the name by the way… 🙂 )
I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Sorry to hear it TFS but I’m sure every writer and blogger worth his salt has been in exactly the same situation at some point.
From my, albeit extremely limited, experience there have been a few times where I’ve really felt like I truely couldn’t be arsed to write anything. Problem was I then felt guilty about not doing anything and that ended up making me feel worse and ultimately even less inclined to put pen to paper. Best way to get out of the funk was just to completely forget about writing and do something else entirely for a couple of days. After a while I just naturally floated back into writing posts without even realising. You clearly love writing, that much is clear from your style and the blog wouldn’t have been such a success as it is without it. Don’t feel guilty for having a break, just look at it as a way of recharging your passion-battery 🙂
Hope you’re back FIRE-ing on all cylinders soon :p
Ah thanks for the kind words FIbrarian!
I agree its a bit of a downward spiral isn’t it. I agree that purposely stepping away is probably the best idea, I guess that is kind of what I did but was also trying to reply to comments and read and comment on other blogs as well. Maybe next time I will just pull the plug completely for a few days and then the funk might be a lot shorter lived!? I’ll give it a go next time for sure.
Thanks again! 🙂
Bang on. No point doing something if your heart isn’t in it. It’ll only ever result in a crap end product, you feeling demotivated or both! The last thing you need is to start thinking of blogging as a chore. Take a step away and I’m sure you’ll find yourself gravitating back in a day or two chock full of new ideas and itching to write!
Thanks for the reply to reply!
I am guessing you are one of those rare bloggers like myself who always ticks the “Follow comments thread” if there is one available as I always like to read if there has been any response 🙂
IT is no fun to have lost motivation and the creative juice. I hope your tricks and tips bring you some help. I will need them for myself, both at work and at home for the blog.
Main reasons I see:
too much things to do and too many people that need feedback from me on different projects. This means I multitask between so many things that none ever get done. My solution: do some work from home and arrive late at work with a fair amount work done. This helps a lot (and avoids trafiic jam commute).
I try to make some blog write time when the kids are at the gym: laptop and mobile wifi hotspot and GO.
I also am running a lot lately (not a hlf marathon training), but it takes a lot of energy, but alos gives a lot of energy. I will keep this.
I hope to get some blog post lined up this weekend, so that I can tick off that from the todo list.
I hope you recover soon.
Hi Amber Tree,
Sounds like you applying some pretty good life hacking skills there to make the most of your time and working smarter rather than longer, nice one!
I agree with the running, it makes you feel tired but ultimately you are getting stronger and making your body run more efficiently so overall it should boost energy levels. That’s one reason why I love it or why anyone loves any kind of exercise I suppose!
Thanks again and good luck with your blog posting schedule as well!
I think it’s good that you’re taking it seiously. Writing can be hard and every blogger wants to write well, which is even harder! Many “professional” writers struggle with tyranny of the blank page, and that’s all they do. Time is a massive factor. I’m an early riser, so I tend to write then, mostly in my journal which has become a daily routine. If I find that easy, then I just keep going…..but at the moment I’m lucky, because I have the time and your post is a good reminder for me to count my blessings!
Thanks for the comments Jim,
I know there is a book called “The war of art” which is all about this sort of thing which David Cain at Raptitude recommends. That is another of the books I will eventually get round to reading one day 🙂
I agree I tend to write most early in the mornings when my head isn’t cluttered with other stuff. If I try to write anything on the train home it feels almost impossible as my head is just filled up with work crap.
I’ve got my first 2 week stint off soon so let’s see if I can leverage those early mornings alone into some more blog posts!? I guess you’ll all know soon haha.
One thing I’ve found useful is that when I’m in a creative flow, I write as much as possible. Often making several draft post articles at a time. If I manage to finish more than one during that burst of activity, I’ll queue them up using the WordPress scheduling function, so the blog still happens to be posting whilst I’ve probably lost the creative flow in the meantime!
Other thing I’ve found useful, developing a solid morning routine. There are plenty of articles all over the internet about this, and I can vibrant day that it works, when you get your routine nailed. After a while, say a few days to weeks (all down to the individual) you will feel pulled towards doing stuff in the morning, and you’ll feel more energetic and optimistic about being able to get things done. Mornings used to be total sh#t in my world beforehand…
Best of luck, and cheers!
Hi M,
This is a great strategy and I will definitely employ it next time I have the time to do so. To be fair I’ve got a few very nearly finished in draft but I wasn’t 100% happy with any of them and didn’t even have the spark to bother editing them. Rubbish! Pretty sure I’m over it now though haha.
Definitely need to get a few fully completed ones in the backlog so the blog looks like it’s ticking over in case of future funks!
I have to say I used to hate mornings but now I really quite like them as well, but could definitely use a bit more of a routine.
Cheers for the advice! 🙂
The prospect of going part-time at work will be on your mind so your post doesn’t surprise me.
I find that I’m quite good at motivating myself but at times, will find myself juggling too many balls at once – much in the same way you describe your ‘analysis paralysis’, flitting from task to task.
The way I try to overcome this (when I realise I’m doing it) is to cut that massive To Do list into small bite sizes – obviously, all the critical/urgent ones need to be on the top list but if all are as important as each other, just pick say 3 or 4 – write on a separate post-it/paper and boldly cross through when each one is done. I just find it’s easier to focus and you don’t get distracted by the other stuff on the rest of the list.
As regards blogging, I’m a bit like M – I have a lot of draft posts on the go, some may end up getting deleted, others get fleshed out into proper posts. I just jot down ideas that pop to my head and then turn them into posts when I feel like it.
Anyway, chin up – these things happen to the best of writers. I for one can’t wait to hear about how you get on with working at home/part-time, what other projects you have on your mind – you have loads of material to write about!
Hi weenie,
Yea I suppose that might have something to do with it! Very much looking forward to that but also somewhat apprehensive. Nice problem to have and all that of course!
Yes multitasking is sometimes detrimental to productivity if you find yourself never getting anything done! I do love a physcial to do list and I use that one myself. Crossing stuff off I find very motivating!
Yea I should have a lot more time and ideas to write about very soon so watch this space. Thanks! 🙂
Developers usually call the “full steam” period “being in the zone”. (see point 8 on this article: )
Thanks for the link Stockbeard. Some great stuff in there!
I am going to send #8 round to the whole company I think, the bit about losing at least 15 minutes of productivity for every 30 second interuption is so spot on.
re insproductivated – this change in the state of human consciousness ahs been observed through the gaes. Maslow’s term peak experience term is pretty good, though I first came across the concept as a youth in a Colin Wilson book.
As for the blues, well, it was pretty common in the office at this time of year when people came back from their summer hols 😉
Hah, maybe that’s what it is. The changing of the seasons and all that!
Cheers for the insight as always ermine!
Hi there, your post is so rich in content and solutions, I found it very useful as I tend to call them “factors”, not “excuses” when in all fairness, most of the times we create excuses for not getting work done. I wrote a similar one in the weekend, I would appreciate a look and allow me to linkit here 🙂