january 2017 income/expenses update – tax man traumas!
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As usual the January update comes quite late as I had to get through the yearly updates (and here, and here) first, but now that is done, here we go with the first monthly update of 2017!
How did we do in January? Not so bad considering I would say, we managed to kick the year off with a positive savings rate which was a win after some more high expenses and no maternity pay at all this month.
But first I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all the generous people who have sponsored me so far on my London Marathon charity page.
As you are so great I will give you all a name check, it’s the least you deserve:
Mikey strictly on the bike
Carl (aka Mr 1500)
Jamie S
weenie (Quietly Saving, of course!)
Anonymous – Who are you mysterious and generous stranger!?
John W
The combined total donated by all of these fine human beings is £240!! Amazing and really helps out with me hitting my target! Thanks to all of you again!
If you’d like to join the ranks of the virtuous then here is the link again (and if you leave a comment, please keep mentions of the blog to #tfs or cheeky nudge nudge wink wink say no more references to “fire” etc… as the others have done… cheers )
Back to the update… I’m going to try to shorten the waffle on these reports now and only comment on things if I really feel necessary, also I will put the budget target next to each category in brackets so I don’t have to write “this compares to X which is our target monthly average yada yada yada” about 15 times, which again is a waste of words. See how you like the slight changes and let me know if you can think of any further improvements or optimisations you’d like to see 1 or alternatively if you prefer the old more “freeform” reports then of course just say so!
Here we go then…
OK in fact I’ve decided to just publish the parent category figures and will summarise what it went on in as short amount of words as possible next to that. As usual if you want the full break down just have a look at my awesome spreadsheet here.
Remember if you want to copy my spreadsheet to use/modify yourself you can do this, just copy it and then edit your own copy by going to File -> Make a copy OR File -> Add to my drive OR File -> Download As (then select a format to download as).
- Total £3636 (£3120) – Over budget for the first month, so not a great start to the year!
- Mortgage £848 (£848)
- Household £670 (£599) – Went slightly over on groceries and a water bill
- Going out/Holiday £850 (£750) – Paid for a few upcoming trips and went out probably a bit too much for a January (although who has a stag do in January FFS!?
- Transport £55 (£172)
- Personal Care £159 (£69) – Dentist bill and haircut push us over budget here
- Home/Garden £15 (£85)
- Lifestyle £201 (£165) – Clothes push us over budget here (I know, shock right?! I admit that at least £50 of this was me, I needed some new threads for my friends wedding in Feb, got a few bits in charity shops but had to get a few other bits new, annoyingly)
- Gifts/Charity £202 (£215) – Baby T’s birthday coming up so was quite a big one in this category this month
- Hobbies/Sport £120 (£150)
- Admin £0 (£10)
- Financial £473 (£57) – This was the killer this month as the title of post hinted at. The panic monster finally reared it’s head and so I completed my tax return. It turned out that even with my SIPP tax rebates I still owed them money! £467 to be exact!
- Children £42 (£70)
With the majority of the miss coming from the tax situation I’m not so worried about this bad start to the year! Just to fill you in properly on this, HMRC gave me a silly tax code at some point in the 2015/16 tax year where my allowance went up to 18K or something like that. Rather than ring them up to sort I just left it, which was admittedly a bit stupid knowing I’d have to pay some back eventually, but anyhoo that’s what happened there and now me and the taxman are all square again.
One thing that is immediately clear with the above comparison to the average budget is that there are going to be a lot of ups and downs so I’m not entirely sure how useful this is really going to be, but I’ll stick with it for a few months to see how we get on.
I’ll do the same here with average budgeted income in brackets to see how we get on, but for the total I won’t include what I might get for my bonus because that will skew the figures and make the whole thing a bit pointless (especially if we don’t get it this year!)
- Total £3477 (£3663) – Slightly below but not bad considering no income from Mrs T at all this month!
- Mrs T income £0 (£600) – This should hopefully be the hardest month of the year income wise. Next month (or maybe March) she’ll get a nice big hit with all her holiday pay, and after that should be earning a solid £600 a month for a new job doing part time work.
- Solar Panels £78 (£45) – Bit silly to compare to an average when it’s only paid every 3 months but there we go.
- Sold items £15 (£0) – We sold Baby T’s old pushchair (Bought for £18, used for 6 months, sold for £15. Very savvy on at first glance but then we went and bought a brand new one for £120 so maybe not…). I didn’t put a target for this as no idea what stuff we might want to sell over the year.
- Refunds £12 (£0) – I normally take refunds off the initial source of spend and so they don’t get counted as spend in the first place, but this went over into the next month so I guess I will have to just count it as income (again no target, that would be silly)
- Top Cashback £38 (£10) – Another nice payment from Topcashback. If you haven’t signed up yet do so here (<– affiliate link) and start earning cash back on your online purchases you would have made anyway. I think we’ll easily average £10 a month here so that was our target.
- Gambling hustles £1116 (£750) – I’ve beaten what you could call a low/easy target here but I know there will be months where I don’t do much of it and it will probably average out at around £750 I reckon. Anyway a great start to the year with my gambling “stuff”. I still promise you a few more matched betting strategy posts where I will divulge a few more tidbits of info on how to make money, but in the meantime check out the forums at OddsMonkey –> If anyone is interested I use Odds Monkey matched betting software (<–affiliate link) for this, which having tried a few different ones out there, I found to be a far superior product in pretty much every way to everything else I tried. Check it out if you are new to matched betting, there are loads of great tutorials to get you going and you can try it for free.
- Child benefit £82 (£82)
savings rate, net worth and all that jazz
We just scraped into the positive with 6.12% savings rate, the only thing we saved was down to my pension contributions this month. Disappointing yes, but as D-Ream sing, things can only get better.
Net worth therefore remained fairly static:
Excluding house equity: £133,078 / +£123 / +0.09%
Including house equity: £210,515 / +£583 / +0.28%
Liquid Freedom: £61,012 / £681 / +1.13%
other updates
Alcohol intake was 19 units/week average. Not bad considering this included a stag do, and a beer tasting session I got as a Christmas present! This will be going down considerably during March and April as I go (practically, for me) tee total for the Marathon training.
We also spent a large part of the month gearing up for a charity race night to help raise money for Young Epilepsy to go toward hitting my target of £3K. I will let you know in Feb’s update how that went (oooh cliff hanger!).
Other than that we enjoyed the brief encounter with snow, went for a few chilly walks, I did a few very chilly training runs, I attended my first 1 year birthday party (well, I guess since I was around that age – an interesting experience indeed!) and spent about a week recovering from a stag do. Definitely too old for all that shit now!
blog housekeeping
I’ve had a few tweets and emails pointing out that the blog roll is broken (think it has been since December!). I am/was aware of this and have finally had a quick look into it, and discovered it’s because the blog roll plug in I’m using relied on something called Google feeds API to read the blog feeds to see the latest posts, which has now been deprecated 2. It doesn’t look like a fix is forthcoming and I can’t find a replacement plug in that does a similar job, so if anyone out there knows of one please let me know?
Anyway that’s why I’ve left it up there for now in it’s half broken form, at least you can still click through to the sites.
My other option is to break out my javascript skillzz and fix it myself, which I’m sure I can do (I’ve seen a potential google feeds API replacement called SuperFeedr which may work) but I just need a good afternoon of peace and quiet to do this, which I can’t see forthcoming for a while
Anyway so sorry about that.
I thought it might be fun to look at blog yearly stats but can’t be bothered to put it into a separate post so here are some pics from the wordpress stats page:
Not a massive growth between 2015 to 2016 but in all fairness my posting schedule was non existent at best (43 down from 79… rubbish!!!) so any increase is something to be thankful for here (thanks!)
Most popular countries
A nice mix of countries there. Welcome people of the World!
Going down to the bottom of the list we have some excellent countries that fans of Pointless would probably recognise such as:
Vanautu (1 visitor)
Tajikstan (1 visitor)
Djibouti (2 visitors)
I’m really happy that the visitor from Djibouti can finally talk about his/her favourite blog now with their newfound friend!
Most popular posts
Yes you read that right, the most popular (new) post of the year was from Andy at Liberate.life but it’s OK I’m a big boy and will not take this personally ( *sob*
). Unfortunately it looks like Andy’s blogging career has been put on hold for a while as he’s scored a big interesting project to work on. Hope it’s all going well Andy and hope to see you back on the blogging scene again soon as you had a lot of sensible stuff to say! The two posts from 2016 that are on this list both got shared by J$ at Rockstar finance so it just goes to show how awesome that website is, if you didn’t already realise that. (Oh and take a look at the current top post there, Don’t be Donkey – this is so true! I could literally read this stuff all day if I didn’t have a real job
Most frequent commenters
(who are registered on WordPress)
Well done weenie but FIREin’ London is catching up fast!
Funny / Interesting Search terms that landed visitors on this website
anything (97 hits from this! Second only to the firestarter… hah!)
is 10000 pounds a lot of money
challenges in using tfs
how to hack tesco website
anyone dislike the frugalwoods (for the record I love the Frugalwoods and have never written anything about disliking them here ever )
i’ll do anything for money
desperate to do anything for money
chopping omelet hand machine (not sure what this is but it sounds painful!)
buying gin in france
and finally the classic…
fat naked women
I don’t know about you but I think it’s great to see the audience is a lot more, ahem, shall we say “varied”(?) than I’d originally thought
And on that bombshell, we’ll wrap things up for the month.
Hope you found at least some of it interesting
I’m over in Dubai for the next week so apologies if I’m tardy at replying to any comments!
- Just to be clear, by optimisations here I’m talking about things that might save me time writing the reports and you reading them, so please don’t suggest something like “I’d like to see year on year figures for every spending category with and without inflation weighting for the past 5 years”; “write less crap” on the other hand is a perfectly reasonable suggestion
- For non software developers this is a poncy industry term that just means “discontinued”. I don’t know why people can’t just say what they bloody well mean in plain English nowadays!!
Discussion (21) ¬
yes – bit of a shame liberate-andy has disappeared under the radar – he arrived with a bit of a bang, but has disappeared in a similar fashion..
mr finance zombie has gone AWOL also..
Ah no not Mr Z! I’m horrendously behind with all my blog readings so haven’t stopped in for while…
Good morning all!
I’m very flattered that my absence was even remotely noticed.
As it happens, the big interesting project has reached a pause this week as I wait for other people to become available to do their bits (hence me reading this at half 11 in the morning!). It probably won’t go mental again for a month or so.
Sorry that I seemed to disappear with ‘a bang’ (as TR described it above) but I’ve literally been working, shock horror, full-time like a proper non-slacker for the last 3 months. I made a conscious decision to pretty much ignore the blog whilst I was flat out.
I’m digging the funny search terms list TFS. My best one so far was ‘beautiful girl fuck no money’ for somebody who landed on “4 reasons I have “Fuck You!” money”. I bet they were bloody disappointed when they started reading my money waffle!
Keep up the good work (and I’ll try and fit in a day to write something soon too)!
Yay, he’s back!
I think you made the right decision to ignore the blog. The internet will always be there and no point in killing yourself trying to do 2 (or more) things at once and risking doing them to a lower standard, especially when one of them could be a big money spinner by the sounds of it.
Haha! Love that search term.
Looking forward to the next LL post mate!
Search stats always make me smile… Who types that?
Haha, the weird and wonderful world of the internet eh!?
Hi TFS, I also loved Andy’s post but glad you’re not taking it personally!! Search stats were brilliant!!!
Regarding the “lumpiness” of your monthly expenses, I track mine monthly but also I have a rolling 3 month and 12 month expenses formula in my spreadsheets to help me smooth things out. It then shows if the current month was +/- budget, but also whether you have spent more than the last 3 or 12 month averages which adds another element of insight sometimes. And it means annual budgets/targets can be set every month instead of only once a year… Being a nerd I also track all these on line graphs of course!!!
That had crossed my mind as I was writing this first change of format up. I think I may well do that instead/additionally. Thanks for the tip!
Glad you liked the search “insights”
Getting my comment in now, before FiL does, although if you add up the comments from his ‘previous guise’, he’s probably well in the lead! Cheers for the update TFS – seems like an expensive month yet you were still able to save so well done there. Great to see a fantastic month of MB – nice one! Love the WP stats from your blog – I have a few different ‘1 visitor’ countries to my blog, including St Vincent & Grenadines, Nicaragua and Liechtenstein. As I transferred my blog from Blogger to WP, I don’t yet have meaningful stats but at some point, I’ll do a comparison too. No ‘fat naked women’ searches to get to my blog though, haha!
Hope you have a great trip in Dubai!
Haha I did think that, I think he’d be well out ahead if you include those.
Good to see QS reaching an eclectic international audience as well. I wonder how many of those ended up here by accident (easier to count those that didn’t I guess?!)
Cheers, it was a good trip thanks!
I love to see gambling in the income column! Well done, friend. Keep beating the house.
Haha, it does feel good to get one over on the bookies!
Thanks for the nudge, I knew there was something I meant to do tonight!
I like the new format with the budget in brackets, makes it easy to see at a glance and also understand the areas of over and under spend – although one month never really tells much as some of these things will naturally fluctuate.
Sensible to not include the bonus in the figures, if it arrives, as you wont get one of those in your retirement, unless you happen on a great AIM stock or a buy-out! Great work on the Gambling side hussle, and that has to help provide a decent addition. I keep thinking maybe I should try it but it just doesnt sound interesting to me, so I know I would make a mess of it!
Whilst not a lot is added to the net worth, the savings rate is still positive (more than can be said for some people), so the net worth continues to tick up, just a bit slower. And remember how much freedom you guys have!
Loving the blog stats as well great to see. Seems I have my work cut out to try and get the readership you do, and just loving the locations people are reading – I’ll be honest I did have to google Vanautu to find out where it was but looks lovely
I have to say the search terms also made me laugh out loud, I am not quite sure what relevance your site has to fat naked women, but I suspect the more we mentioned fat naked women through your site, the more likely you are to get hits for fat naked women 
Enjoy the Dubai trip!
P.S. will have to think of another comment so I can continue to chase down Weenie for the coveted top commentator spot
Hi FiL,
Glad you enjoyed the post
The fat naked woman thing came from one of my updates last year:
Where i put a tag on thus:
(see the pic near the bottom of the post to see why. Don’t worry it’s SFW!)
As you said now we’ve all mentioned it about 3000 times in this post the traffic should be flooding in but I highly doubt many of those visitors will stick around, unfortunately. If anyone reading has come here via this search term and likes what they see let us all know!
Dubai was fab, Cheers!
You will overtake weenie soon enough I am sure of it
Always do
Ah yes – I remember that now I look back at the post
Well there may be something in that but we could change from talking about fat naked women to something else – maybe we can find other odd search terms for you to get ranked on 
Glad to hear Dubai was good – its certainly an interesting place – did you manage to get into the snow dome there? That is a truly strange experience!
Cheers, I am working on
Impressive traffic stats!
Sorry for the tangent but Do you use wordpress.com or wordpress.org by hosting your own site?? I am on WP.com and am thinking of switching to self-hosting. How difficult is it to manage your own server and maintaining the site?
Using wordpress.org as believe there is a great amount of things you can do with it, although never used .com so can’t really make a fair comparison for you whether the switch will be worth it or how hard that switch might be… sorry. I reckon it would be and would be easy if I were to guess though
– on the other hand there is nowt wrong with your blog layout etc as it is from what I can see so if it ain’t broke…?
In over 3 years I think I got hacked once which was quite easy to clear up, and apart from that there is really no maintenance at all managing a server as it’s all done by the hosting company. Maintaining the site is just the same as .com I would have thought but with more options, plug ins and bells n whistles, I guess it depends if you get overwhelmed by that sort of thing whether it will be worth it or actually decrease your enjoyment of running your blog
Cheers and good luck with whatever you do.
Dubai!? That sounds exciting.
Congratulations on the good year and, agreed, those are some very impressive stats. I know less about blog traffic than any writer I know — I’m not entirely sure what our stats are, or where I’d find them.
But as an extrovert, maybe that’s for the best.
Hi DbF,
That’s interesting you’ve never checked your blog stats. I bet they would be much higher than my own as you’ve been going longer, have a US perspective (bigger potential market) and always seem to get loads of comments which suggests lots of traffic. Maybe you should check it out so you can be happily surprised?