matched betting #2 – how to completely rinse 888 casino free play offers
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Happy new year all! I hope you had a nice Christmas break from work (or FI life if you’re already living the dream!)
Talking of Christmas, my fave cracker joke this year has got to have been:
When is matched betting not really matched betting?
When you’re whoring casino bonuses of course!
In all seriousness, it’s always nice to have a bit of extra cash around this time of year so I thought why not post an easy way to make a bit of dosh?
OK, let’s do it!
1. sign up to 888 casino
Google 888 casino* and sign up. The current offer is that you don’t even have to deposit and get to spin a wheel upon which you will be granted anything in between £15 and £888 free play. Don’t be disheartened if you only get the £15 because there is usually plenty more to come in the form of emailed offers, so make sure that you actually leave any tick boxes ticked to receive further offers when you sign up – pretty much the only time I’d ever recommend doing this!
Also note that there is another casino called 777 Casino which is basically the same company and website with a slightly different paint job and name 1. So it’s worth signing up to both as it doubles the chances you will get emailed a decent offer.
*I seriously considered using an affiliate link here but decided against it for two reasons: 1 – I didn’t really want 888 seeing links from this site and them coming over to check out what we’re all doing. 2 – You only make money from their affiliate deal if people lose money. I really hope no one reading this is stupid enough to read what I’ve written below and still end up losing money so it follows putting in an affiliate link will never make me any money.
For now skip to step 2. but once the initial free play offer is done you will come back to 1a below at some point so it might be worth reading through it quickly first anyway.
1a. wait for a free play offer to be emailed
Once you have signed up it’s not the end of the road for making money out of 888 Casino. No sireee!
If you’ve just signup up obviously skip this point and move on to (2). If you’ve completed the opening account offer you just need to sit tight and wait for a free play offer to come through in the mail. It must be a FREE PLAY offer and not a bonus offer or a deposit match offer or something else like that. If it says anything else but FREE PLAY in the email just delete it and forget all about it. 2
The free play offers vary wildly in amount and percentage of deposit but you may as well just do as many as you can if they keep sending them. The only ones not worth doing are the ones where you have to deposit but then turn over the deposit amount before you get the free play.
You want to play all of the offers you can get your hands on where you get free play granted as soon as you deposit. E.g. “10% free play deposit bonus, up to £100” etc. So in that example if you deposit £1000 you would get £100 free play granted. That is quite an extreme example and you don’t normally have to deposit quite as much to get a decent free play bonus, but even if you did it would be worth doing because the idea is you will never have to touch the original deposit, and can withdraw the original £1000 (or whatever you deposited) at any point during the procedure, so it’s not at risk.
2. playing through the free play amount
However much free play you get granted, you now need to play through the free play amount on the games they’ll allow you to use it on, and turn it into the “real money” bonus. I put that in quotes because it’s not real money in that you cannot withdraw it straight away (unfortunately, that would be way too easy!). You then have to wager that as per the wagering requirements which we’ll go over in section 3.
You can do whatever you want at this point really, if you have a preferred game to play or method to use then go for it!
It’s worth pointing out that all free play has a limit you can turn into the “real money” bonus – for example if you have £50 free play you can only turn that into a £50 “real money” bonus – so it’s not that important that you follow my rules above exactly here. The idea here is to hit the max limit on your free play winnings every time if possible.
Whatever game you play you will likely end up getting a decent amount of money in the “real money” pot, but I have found that using method 2 below I have only not hit the free play limit once 3 out of around 10 offers I’ve attempted. Obviously the best you can do is to hit the limit each time, so I think based on that it is a good strategy.
Anyway what I would recommend is playing European Roulette and doing one of two things:
- Simple: Do minimum £1 bets on black or red (choose your favourite colour!) and stick with it. Statistically over say £100 worth of bets on red or black you should still have about £98 in the pot at the end. Obviously this can vary especially if the free play amount is small and luck comes more into play, but it is probably the better method to use when the free play amount is small
- Martingale system: I will explain this in more detail with screenshots below. This is probably worth using if the free play amount is anything above £20 because it means you will play through the amount quicker and still have a good chance of hitting the max free play winnings limit.
You may have heard of the martingale system before, and it is technically an unbeatable gambling system with the rather huge flaw in that you need a bank of ~infinity and a casino that with infinite limits
The idea is that you place an even money bet (£1 stake returns £2) and if you lose you simply double your stake (lose £1, but second bet of £2 returns £4 so you are in £1 of profit). Repeat ad infinitum and when your winner finally comes in you will always be in profit.
Obviously if you hit a run of too many losers you will deplete your bank very quickly and go bust!
However it is good enough for this use case as we are playing with free money so it doesn’t really matter if you bust out.
Here’s how I would employ the martingale system on 888 casino’s European Roulette:
i) Place a £1 bet on red or black to start off with
ii) If the bet loses, click the “Rebet x2” button in the bottom middle of the screen 4
iii) £2 is placed on black again here in this instance. Always use the “Turbo” button rather than spin by the way, unless you like wasting hours of your time watching a stupid virtual ball go round a virtual roulette table.
iv) If you lose again repeat step iii but after a while you will end up winning (or if unlucky you will go bust. Remember it’s free play so if this happens don’t worry about it, just take whatever free play winnings you have generated and move onto Step 3 below. If very unlucky you may go bust on your very first sequence, in which case just withdraw your original deposit and move on with your day)
Once you’ve hit a winner you go back to step (i) and start a new sequence.
You can speed things up slightly by starting with a £2 stake which is what I do but that will increase your chances of busting out. The kind of ironic thing here is that you actually want a small series of losers before each win as that will mean you plough through the free play amount much more quickly as you end up doing bigger bets after a series of 3-4 losers, but too many losers will obviously mean you bust out! Anyway feel free to tweak this to your liking or if you’d rather take more time playing through then just stick to simple fixed stake bets – if you use the Rebet and Turbo buttons you could still blast through £100 with £5 bets in about 3 minutes I reckon!
A few more notes: As mentioned you can only get free play winnings up to the amount of free play granted, so £100 free play means £100 winnings limit. Weirdly though, once you hit the limit it will come up and tell you, but you have to keep playing until you’ve run out of free play anyway before it actually turns into “real money”. So just keep playing until the end But you don’t actually have to do this, so just choose “Close game” and move onto the next section.
OK now onto the fun bit
You’re free play winnings are now turned into “Real money” but you can’t withdraw this money until you’ve played through it 30 times. So if you have £100 in free play winnings you will need to stake £3000 worth of bets on casino and slot games.
I know this sounds a lot but you can actually blast through it relatively quickly (say in half an hour) if you follow the method below. You will either end up winning a fairly decent amount for your time invested – I’d say between £50-£500 is possible – or busting out pretty quickly (~5 minutes) and therefore winning nothing but crucially also losing nothing either, for a negligible amount of time invested (~10 minutes total).
3. Winning some money with Wild Gambler
Wild gambler is a virtual slot game game with quite a unique feature which I’ve found comes in really handy for playing through your bonus, because it has wildcard characters you can Lock in and spin, and you can turn any square into a wildcard at any time. This probably sounds like gobbledegook so let me explain better with some pictures below:
i) Click on the slots section – it’s the one with the weird blue Genie guy. Also note that in this screen shot my balance has gone up from £500 to £600, reflecting the £100 free play winnings that is now “real money”
ii) Click on the right arrow to scroll across a couple of times until you see Wild Gambler – click on it to load the game.
iii) Once it loads up, put the line stake down to 0.01 (bottom middle) and click on the squares on the middle row until all of them show the wild/lion symbol as in the screen shot above. Now hit the “Lock and spin” button highlighted with the red circle. It will warn you that the spin stake is really high or something like that, just click yes.
iv) Be aware that more wildcards can be spun into view at any time and if you hit Lock & Spin again then the stake will have risen. See it is £23.79 in this screenshot. What I do is click on any extra wildcards to turn them into normal squares before spinning again, because I don’t want to risk too much on each spin.
And thats it, you just keep spinning until you have played through the wagering requirements (or bust out and withdraw your original money). £3000 can be done in just 150 spins but if you hit a bonus (see below) or a big win you can always up the stakes to get through it quicker.
The “clever” thing I found here is that you can have quite high value spins without any risk of losing the whole value of the stake. In the example above you have a minimum win of around £13, the reason being the 5 lions in a row are worth £10 to start of with. In reality the amount returned tends to be between £15 and £25 for 90% of the time and occasionally you will have a terrible spin which returns £13 or £14 or a really good one that returns £30+
This makes it easy to play through a large amount of wagering requirements without risking too much on each spin, as opposed to putting £20 on black or red in roulette each time which risks the whole amount if any given bet loses.
You can play around with the various combinations of what squares you turn into wildcard and see the stake to minimum win ratio by hovering over the Lock & Spin button. Feel free to play around and see what works best for you, I have tried various patterns and have found the 5 in a row seem to offer the best stake/minimum win ratio (obviously you want the difference between the two to be the lowest!). There may be a better pattern so if any one else finds one please let me know!
A note on what spin stake to use – In my example above I use around a £20 spin stake. This seems to work well when you have between say £50 and £150 worth of free money after you’ve finished your free play. Obviously if you only have £20 free play I wouldn’t advise a £20 spin stake though! As a general rule divide your free money “bank” by 5 up to around £200 then I’d probably divide it by 10 to arrive at your spin stake. This gives you a good balance between having enough spins to trigger some good wins and the bonus and being too low and wasting your time. So to give you a general idea (again, modify slightly as you see fit):
Free money bank / Spin stake
£20 / £5
£50 / £12.50
£100 / £20
£200 / £20
£400 / £40
It’s also worth saying that if you start with a low bank and get a few decent wins and your free money bank increases, don’t be afraid to increase the spin stake up to £20… I’ve done this many times and triggered the bonus. Which is a great segway into talking about…
triggering the meerkat bonus
However if this was all there was too it, you would still end up losing the free play winnings in the majority of cases but there is one more trick this game has up it’s sleeve which helps us, and that is the meerkat bonus (5 cute little meerkats will appear at the bottom holding up the letters B-O-N-U-S)
It’s totally random and there isn’t anything you can do to trigger apart from hitting Lock & Spin and hoping for the best. I think it’s fair to say though that the more spins you have, the more likely you will hit one eventually.
When you hit one you will get 8 free spins:
The spins will be linked to your current stake so if you are playing with a very high stake (i.e. by locking in the wildcards as we have been doing) then you can expect a very high amount of returns from your free spins. Even better – if any more wildcards spin in during the free spins, they automatically lock for the rest of the free spins – which can mean you get even higher returns.
You can expect to win roughly 8 times your stake back so if your stake is £20 then you will win around £160, however sometimes it will go bananas and you can win a lot more (usually if wildcards get spun in early on in the free spins):
reaching the end of the wagering requirements and withdrawal
As stated before, if your balance goes down to your initial deposit you should stop play immediately and withdraw your money. Make sure you keep an eye on your balance and what I would do is when it gets within £10 reduce the spin stake because you don’t really want to go below it at all if possible. So say you deposited £500 then when it gets to £510 click on some of the wildcards to turn them into normal squares – this will reduce your spin stake dramatically.
If you hit one of the meerkat bonuses during your play, you will be very unlucky to not reach the end of the wagering requirements in profit so you just need to work out when you are actually allowed to withdraw.
What I tend to do is keep a rough track on the number of spins I’ve done and when that gets near to the amount needed 5 I will check the cashier:
OK, so it still says withdraw-able balance is only £500 (which is what I deposited) so I know I still need to play on. I then might try 5 more spins (or ~£100 more wagering) and check again. Just keep doing this until you see the withdraw-able balance equals your actual balance:
So in this instance I made a cheeky £84.60. Not bad for about half an hours work!
However sometimes you can get really lucky and hit another meerkat bonus while you’re still playing through the wagering requirements and you might end with something like this:
Again this was from an initial deposit of £500
Whoo hoo!
Obviously there are plenty of times you might bust out as well but on balance I would say that you will hit a decent win around 1 out of every 4 offers you try. I would also estimate that by doing this you will easily earn between £50 and £100 per hour of effort expended, tax free.
final notes
- I can’t stress enough that you must withdraw as soon as you get to (or very slightly below) the amount you deposited. NEVER GAMBLE WITH YOUR OWN MONEY!!!
- Please check all of the T&Cs for the offers 888 will email you. Some might have slightly different terms to the ones I’ve been using above so make sure they are similar enough to make this method work.
- It’s best to wait around for some really good offers that you can hit in quick succession. The ones I’ve been doing this on over the last 2 weeks you could deposit and trigger the free play every day!
- However you will need a big bank to do this because it takes a while for the withdrawals to hit your bank account. I guess if you don’t have the bank then just wait for some decent offers that are a bit more spread out
- Ah… and of course don’t forget – no bookie or casino likes a winner – and so they will catch up with you eventually (or pretty quickly if you are hitting it every day like I was!). So unfortunately it’s not a perpetual golden goose money machine.
- Beware that if you get the email from 888 Casino saying you aren’t eligible for any future promotions, it will also count for it’s sister casino 777, so don’t try to do any offers from them anymore as you’d just be wasting your time (Yes, of course I tried it and it didn’t work
- But doing this is probably worth anything between £500-£1000 depending on how lucky you get and how long it takes for them to catch up to you and ban you from any future bonus offers.
- Obviously put any winnings straight into your Vanguard low cost ETF
Hopefully I’ve made it clear as crystal, but if you have any questions, want to let me know how you get on with it, or just share notes share notes and tips in general please let everyone know below!
And let me know if you know of any other casino offers worth checking out and I’ll give it a crack and write up the results here if it’s worth it!
- Where do they come up with these names? Creative genius at work huh?
- Seriously you will thank me for that advice if you ever try to play through one of the bonus match offers, they can take days to work their way through and you will statistically lose money on them in the long run, they are designed to sound great (100% deposit bonus! £200 bonus! etc…) but the wagering requirements are usually so large you will end up losing money and wasting hours of your life. If you wanted to check whether an offer has a positive or negative expectation (i.e. you will statistically win or lose money if you did the offer hundreds of times) then Oddsmonkey have a great expected value calculator here
- I busted out with 5 reds in a row when I was betting on black or something like that
- (hmm, it’s almost like their encouraging people to use the flawed martingale system here isn’t it?! Weird
- E.g. £100 of bonus money = £3000 of wagering requirements. £3000/£20 per spin = 150 spins required before I can withdraw
Discussion (50) ¬
What a coincidence.. I was just about to start hitting this offer yesterday until Arsenal screwed me over and chucked my entire £7k betting fund straight into the exchange. Now to wait 3-5 working days for it it re-appear and let the fun being
Ps: Just made £50 off this from a new account signup in the time its taken between now and my first post! $$$
Nice work guy!
Good luck with getting some decent free play offers emailed to you.
I must suck at this, I only received a 20 initial bonus, then I don’t have enough to wager on the 5 WILD lions (as the stake is 20.08). Lost and confused i fiddled with combinations of locked squares until I busted out, no meerkats. But will try again next time I get free play!
Hi Chris,
Sorry I didn’t make it clear that using the £20 stake is only really viable when you have say over £50 worth of free play winnings to play with.
Sounds like you did exactly the right thing with the lower amount and just play around with the wild combinations to get a lower spin stake.
Obviously luck does play a massive part here so don’t think you suck at it! You can’t force the meerkat bonus all you can do is keep playing and if you get it great, if not you normally bust out.
Definitely try again when you get another (usually better than the £20 open account) offer
Good luck!
P.s. I’ll update the post to make it more clear on the above so thanks for pointing it out
I did get £20 as well. But I used martingale to bum the ‘Real money to around £50 before starting on Wild Gambler! and then I hit 2 Meerkat! Is it all Mine to keep!?!
Hi FP.
Nice work mate!
Go to the cashier and it will tell you your withdrawable balance. As soon as that matches your displayed balance whilst in the lobby and in games it is all yours to keep!
With only a 20 free play you will have only had to spin through 600 so I’m sure you’ve already done that or if not it will only take a few more spins at £20 a spin to get there, just keep checking in the cashier every 40 to 60 worth of spins to withdraw ASAP!
That’s a good idea to do martingale initially to get the balance up to 50 before you start on wild gambler, give you more chance of hitting the meerkats!
To show how random they are though you’ve hit 2 in. Less than 600 worth of spins I would guess. I had 300 worth of free play the other week and so had to play through 9000 worth of spins. I was doing 40 per spin and so was about 250 spins in total and I never got the bonus , but I still came out 187 in profit anyway so it was a worthwhile endeavour!
Excellent. I got £260 out of that!! I am going to attempt the Free play bonus matched to your deposit offer! Thanks for the great tip! I am foraging into the land of MB and I made my first blunder today, so will be about £50 down.
Thanks for sharing this TFS! I have to say I have always avoided any of the gambling / matched betting side of things, but the above has got me thinking maybe I should try it – but sensible not to put an affiliate link under the circumstances!
Hi FiL,
If you have a spare half hour on the odd evening give it a go. It’s very easy to do whilst watching TV or listening to a podcast or something like that so you can earn money whilst doing something you would like to be doing anyway. Reading is a no go though
I’m rubbish at this already. Followed the above advice but went bankrupt three times using three different accounts. Easy, nope otherwise everyone would be at it. Or maybe I’m just a rubbish gambling man!
You can’t expect to win on every bonus.
As I said in the post I would expect one in every four but maybe that is a bit optimistic and I’ve just hit a few lucky streaks.
Either way it is true that the more offers you do and more spins you have, the more likely it is that you hit a bonus and end up in profit at the end of the wagering requirements before going “bankrupt”
Thanks so much for this, I won £250! I deposited £20 and got a further £30 on top of my £20 free play from the free spin. I kept my eye on the withdrawal and at one point it said I couldn’t withdraw anything! I think that was because my total balance had gone below the bonus amounts after reading terms. I got lucky and hit a meerkat though.
Keep up the good work and keep the matched betting offers coming
Hi Douding,
Glad to hear it worked for you. £250 not a bad haul there!
Good post. One thing I would say is that not everyone is so disciplined and these offers can lead to gambling your own money, as I have seen on various matches betting sites. We seem to be at a cross roads with matched betting as the easy offers have gone and folk are relying on casino and positive EV to make money.
Hi Bob,
I agree that this is something you really need to watch out for. If you’ve deposited £500 or more and not made anything I guess the temptation to have “just a few more spins” to see if you hit a bonus is quite high. I’ve tried to emphasize as much as I could in the post about withdrawing as soon as you go below the amount you deposited and most on here are savvy folk so hopefully I’m not leading anyone astray
Yes they do tend to run out after a while don’t they. I just can’t be bothered with any of the £5 free ones. I am liking the casino ones so far though as mostly it’s brainless and you can easily do it while doing something else (mainly watching TV if I’m perfectly honest!) so going to see what else is out there after I’ve squeezed the last drops out of the 888 one.
Thanks very much for posting in detail about this offer. I have to say that I’m tempted but I really don’t trust my ‘gambler gremlin’ so I’d say it’s unlikely that I will attempt this offer. It looks like easy cash but, I think I’m better off (myself) sticking to grinding out small wins. That’s not to say I’ll say ‘never’, more like, ‘not now!’
Yes it does take quite a bit of discipline to stop when you should. Definitely don’t get involved if you have any doubts about your ability to do that!
The sign-up offer now appears to have changed from a “free play” to a matched bonus? Not sure it’s a guaranteed win any longer.
I just googled 888 casino and the top hit still links to the free play offer as far as I can see.
Either way it’s not a guaranteed win anyway as you still have to get through the 30x wagering req’s before you can withdraw, but it is a no risk offer for sure.
Also bear in mind that the ongoing offers they email you are much better than the sign up one anyway, so definitely worth signing up and seeing if you get any via email!
Quick Question.
My free play amount is £20. I have worked through it to get it to ‘real money’ via Martingale at Roulette. Now on Wild gambler working though the spins. How much of this do I really get to keep and how long should I keep spinning? The Meerkat Bonus is nuts! Free spins!
Hi FP I’ve replied to your other comment above so check that out
Is it safe to withdraw your deposit once you deposited to meet the criteria to trigger the freeplay awarded without being blacklisted?? Obviously it is better to keep the deposit in but it always runs the risk of your greed getting the better of you..
Excellent. Earned another £100 from around £80 freeplay from deposit offers. This is much more fun and simple than Matched Betting.
Did you withdraw your deposit before playing or did you just play through till you’d met wagering requirements?
I read the T&Cs as once you’d started the free play you couldn’t touch the deposit till you’d played through & could therefore lose a chunk of it…which is causing me to hold off on doing it
@FP – great going mate. You will eventually hit a bad luck streak where your efforts are not rewarded but the bottom line is the more times you play the more you will win.
There is currently an instant deposit offer and I got it without being sent an email, so everyone who is reading this far down, have a crack at that. It’s called 888casino’s FreePlay Rainbow!
@Previn – You don’t withdraw no. You would only withdraw:
A) If you played through the freeplay, then your balance went down the the amount you originally deposited. You can then withdraw the whole deposit without penalty (as you lost all the bonus money). In this instance you lose nothing but a bit of time.
B) You played through the freeplay, then played through the wagering req’s (30x the amount you won from freeplay) and never went below your original deposit amount. You have now made money and are allowed to withdraw the whole lot.
Hope that makes sense?
Hi Fp,
I’d hit it hard while you can as they’ll eventually gub your account. Although maybe with lower deposit amounts you might fly under the radar for longer, I don’t know, but my theory is the bigger FP you get the more likely you are to make money and/or when you do cash it will be a larger amount (saying that some of my biggest wins have been from small FP amounts so maybe just stick to whatever you are comfortable with). Either way I wouldn’t retire for a month, if you hit this offer twice a day I would be surprised if you last much longer than a week before they catch up with tbh! But you’d have made over a grand by then I reckon. I’ve made £1100 in the last two days, fully expecting my gubbing email this morning. Of course there are always more accounts you can open
Anyway FWIW I’m depositing minimum £500 so guaranteeing £50 free play and usually more as you can spin it up with the coin, which seems to be working well so far but do whatever works for you mate!
Hi FP,
FWIW, I’m depositing minimum 500 to try to get as much FP per day to try to maximise profits while I can. In my experience they catch up with you fairly quickly and gub your account – but maybe that is because I’m doing fairly high deposit and is flagging my account up sooner?
If you carry on with good success on lower deposit amounts let me know how long they let you carry on going as will be interesting to know, thanks!
Ive deposited using the code for the heads/tails offer but nothing shows up, I can even see where the game is. Should it just pop up somewhere? I suspect I might be gubbed already….
Hi Previn,
You would have received an email if you were gubbed so I doubt it. Maybe get on the live chat and ask them if you are eligible for the offer and if not why not just to clear things up though?
Hi FP – think you’re asking the same question as Previn below. You can’t withdraw straight away after deposit or after you have completed free play otherwise the bonus money will be cancelled. See the rest of my reply below should make sense hopefully. Thanks for the sponsor to my Marathon charity page btw… nice one!
Found out about the Rainbow today! Freeplay up to £200! Twice a day!! Pffttt… Can I retire for a Month or two now? Do you try to squeeze every bit of of this lemon?? I am starting small get about £40 Freeplay each deposit but thinking of upping the stakes.
I have been trying out 2x £200 deposits for the past 4 days. Average around £120 FP/day. I waited for 2 days worth of FP prior to Wild gambling yesterday and today, so I can do bigger base spins. Got £370 today over the last 2 days.
What sort of value of FP you get from 2x £500 deposit? You are very lucky!! £1100!! I haven’t had such a big win yet!!
What were you doing while you got gubbed and for how long? I definitely don’t want to spoil this side income. Worth the risk going the full £500?
Also FYI I was withdrawing immediately after each cycle of completing waging requirements, which could be daily. Hence I attempted the collating 2 days of bonus before WGing. Do you do the whole cycle daily?
Thanks for this,
Made around £170 on the welcome offer around 5-6 weeks back. Not had any thing since though, how often are you getting new offers?
Also tried signing up to 777 but they said my details match another account (assume its linked to 888) so have to wait 72 hours but expect that it will be a non-starter
I’m not sure how they get triggered to be honest. You might want to just check the offers page they have on site, and test the waters with a small deposit (if the offer is good) to see if you get it, and if you do then you can just crack on or you might find yourself getting many emails after that anyway.
Yes 777 is odd, I think I got the same email but then 72 hours later they let me have the account anyway, so don’t give up on that one just yet.
If anyone’s interested, I wrote a blogpost about how to capitalise on the casino risk free offers, using an example from William Hill:
The rest of my site deals with some of the other matched betting opportunities, explains some of the principles in detail with the aim of making sure people can avoid some of the risks/pitfalls.
Hope people here find it useful.
Hi Fred,
Thanks for that, looks like a decent guide to the Will Hill offer. I got caught out on that (twice!) by not hitting opt in first, so glad you mentioned that in your post.
Always check, check and check again those sneaky T&Cs that are clearly designed to catch you out!
Yes, that’s definitely one of the most wearying aspects of matched betting – the constant need to ‘focus’ on the T&Cs to make sure you don’t fall foul of the various hurdles you need to clear to get the free bet, or bonus etc…
I’ve just had my first go at this and bust out… However, I think they’ve changed the minimum winnings on this game to the player’s detriment as with 5 lions the minimum winnings are now down to £10ish for a £20.08 stake – I’m still going to give the rainbow offer a go tomorrow but I thought it worth mentioning as may be more likely to bust out than before.
Crossing fingers I get some meerkats in the future to give me a chance of coming away with some cash…
Hi Kate,
I think maybe I just got it wrong in the main text (I did say “around £13”). The minimum win is not really that important as long as you have a fairly decent minimum win i.e. it’s not like you are staking £20 and only getting a minimum win of £3 (which would probably be quite hard to do).
Having tried with many combinations I have found the 5 across the middle is the best one to get as many spins as possible because any less the min win goes down drastically and any more means there are less squares for it to randomly spin in more Lions, which normally means a decent pay out on any given spin, which tends to keep you going for longer and more chance of hitting those Meerkats. I won £1100 and £350 the other night on the Rainbow promotion so yes, definitely give it a go and no I don’t think you are any more likely to bust out than before, it’s just random and sometimes you bust out and sometimes you win!
Good luck!
Thank you. I just had a go at the rainbow promo and came away with my first ever casino win so thanks for prompting me to keep at it.
I couldn’t get on wild gambler though, not sure if it just isn’t available on mobile as I was on my phone, but thought I’d try Rainbow Riches and it has worked in my favour this time.
Like you say above, doing lots of these offers is likely the key so as soon as my most recent withdrawal lands I’ll be giving this one another go…
Hi Kate,
That’s fantastic to hear!
Keep it going and I’m sure you’ll get many more (before they shut your account to promotions of course).
Yes there is no specific reason to use Wild Gambler apart from that it gives you decent control over stake and minimum win on each spin. However using Rainbow riches or any other slot in theory every so often you will end up in profit as well.
Thanks. I’ve played through a couple more deposit offers since but no joy… Can I ask, do you withdraw your own money after you play through each freeplay offer? I seem to see there are overlapping deposit offers for freeplay so I’d have to wait for the withdrawal before doing the next offer… Do you just stack deposits in this case or withdraw and hope that this comes through before the next offer expires?
Hi Kate,
I just stack deposits and churn it as much as I can. This requires a big bank if you are depositing 500 at a time because the withdrawal doesn’t hit your bank for a few days, but luckily I have got a big bank so it was no bother.
Obviously if you haven’t then you need to either pull in money from somewhere else, use lower deposit amounts and just hope you hit a bonus/big win really quickly (which can happen, I’ve won £500 off of £5 worth of free play ages ago before I worked out my proper strategy above and was just messing about really) or you just have to wait for the withdrawal to hit your account before you can re-deposit, which might not be the worst thing to happen in terms of keeping your account active for longer!
Unfortunately I got gubbed. Sad. Good while it lasted.
Yep they do catch up pretty quick. There are means and ways to getting a few extra new accounts though but I’ll leave that up to you to work that one out
How much did you make in total, if you don’t mind me asking? (No worries if you’d rather not say!)
Best explanation I have seen! Thanks so much, normally I have not been able to get anything out of casino offers!
Got a good £200 from a £120 freeplay offer!
Great to hear this offer is still delivering the goods