I may preach to the choir,

but to what do you aspire?


25x expenses you must acquire

and you can retire!


but then what, I must inquire

to be happy d’you require?


to seek fame, be admired,

and cheap thrills till you expire?


Or be a hermit in the shire

and suppress every desire?


there’s no one answer it transpires

to avoid the quagmire


like the god of hellfire

I say, and hope to inspire


To lift yourself higher

You must walk your own FIRE



This post is in the main a jaunty response to the (admittedly only a handful of) commenters on my last post who seemed to think that they knew best on how I should be living my life (although strangely enough had no constructive answers on what I actually should do instead, huh?! 1).

It is also dedicated to the pseudo-namesake of the blog, Keith Flint, who sadly passed away at the start of this month.

I’m not sure he’d appreciate the dainty lyrics I’ve employed above, but I am sure he would be fully behind the general gist of it.

RIP Keith, you fucking legend.



  1. I did start to write a bit of a rant on that, but it was hard to keep it general without responding directly to individual comments, which I didn’t want to do as I know people have good intentions when they comment on this blog, and I do genuinely appreciate every comment and especially different points of view. The last thing I want  is people to start avoiding commenting in case they get a whole post dedicated to having a crack back at their comment! Thank you to all who contributed to that discussion