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Welcome to theFIREstarter! If you are interested in themes such as Financial Independence, Retiring Early, Downshifting, or simply just working less and living more then please stick around, I think we’ll get on just fine 🙂
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If you want to get the full story you can start from the very first post here or for a more casual read, just see what catches your eye on the list of all posts page.
My thoughts and plans have slightly changed in the few years since I set up the blog, you can learn a little bit more about me and the main points on what those plans were and how they've changed here, here, here, here and finally here.
If you'd like to keep a track of new developments, money saving tips, money making tips, my adventures in attempting self sufficiency and simple living, free financial hacks and spreadsheets, and my general musings on Financial Independence, Personal Finance, investing, and the occasional humorous rant, then please consider following along. Those links again:
It’s time to do some spring cleaning* on the blog roll over on the right hand side of the page there, and rather than just silently update the entries this time around I thought I would write a paragraph or two about the new blogs that are going to go on there to give you a hint of what they’re all about!
I am starting to think however that me putting a new-ish blog on the roll is some sort of jinx because the last two I put on there didn’t seem to last more than a couple of extra months before the posts dried up! I jest of course but wish the best of luck to the new additions nonetheless (also, it is quite annoying having to remove defunct blogs so please for the sake of ole TFS’s sanity just keep on writing… how’s that for further motivation if you ever needed it?! You can thank me later 😉 )
*I started writing this post in Spring, in case anyone is confused by that intro!
Ah… if only the Remain campaign had chosen this as their official song maybe things would have turned out differently?! 🙂
Don’t worry, I’m not really going to list out 10 reasons to stay. That horse has clearly already bolted anyway and the stable door was wide open.
However I did make the mistake of checking the EU referendum live result when baby T was having a night feed and now I can’t sleep, so I’m hoping a quick (don’t worry it will be short!) rant on here can clear my head and send me back to the land of nod. So this post is totally, 100% for purely selfish reasons 🙂
If you are remotely interested in building wealth and haven’t been living under a rock for the last few years you will no doubt be aware of the huge surge in popularity that crowdfunding has experienced in the last few years. The House Crowd has been at the forefront of this revolution when it comes to real estate crowdfunding, and has changed the way we’ll think about property investing forever.
I’ve been following this company for a good few years now after I first heard about them on The Money Principle Blog. As with most things, I was excited yet slightly skeptical. I had a look at the website and signed up to the newsletter to get a better feel for the properties they were investing in and how the process worked. After about a year of reading up and procrastinating, I decided that they were around to stay and were worth putting in a small part of my portfolio.
Fast forward to a month ago, just after I’d received my first yearly dividend payment, and I actually got the chance to meet up to the head honcho of The House Crowd himself, Frazer Fearnhead. Frazer is an enthusiastic and interesting fellow who likes a vodka martini, exactly what you would expect from a prop-tech entrepreneur 🙂
Having now spoken to Frazer about the company in detail and having been directly investing with The House Crowd for a year now, it’s high time I wrote a post for you guys telling you all about it! When I first came across the company I remember having many questions so rather than just write out a bog standard company bio, I’ve tried to cast my mind back to what I wanted to know back then and write out a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from the point of a virgin investor.
Here it is!
The House Crowd – Virgin Investor FAQ
So The House Crowd… tell me about it?
The House Crowd is actually the first property crowd funding website in the world, and launched in 2012. They’ve been growing at an astonishing rate since then and now have over 1200 investors who have invested in 200 properties.
After smashing a couple of high savings rate months out of the ball park it is fair to say May has been completely the opposite! I guess you could argue that we’ve found our feet with TFS Jr and all of that pent up non-going out and non-spending has been released in one mammoth spendy month. The truth is though although that may have been a contributing factor we have just had more stuff to do planned in May than in the earlier months of the year, including a trip to the Isle of Wight for the three of us which although is a nice cheap holiday it still costs *something* so it adds to the bottom line. Incidentally I was talking about the IOW trip in last months update but it was actually in May, it’s just I wrote the April update so late we’d already been and I forgot what month we were in 🙂
Anyway enough waffling, let’s see how it went down.
I’m feeling very lucky today. Seriously, it’s a good job Clint Eastwood isn’t about as he’d be in big trouble.
It’s another beautiful day in sunnyrainysunny cloudy England and the trees are now looking lovely and covered with bright green leaves. I don’t why but this morning is the first time I really noticed it this year.
More importantly Little TFS has started to go to bed around 8:30pm the last three nights so we’ve actually got a half an evening to relax and a decent nights sleep. A bit of a rest and the sun being out, it’s amazing how much of a difference this can make to your mental state of mind! 🙂
reasons to be grateful
I could probably stop there but I’ve never done a proper “gratitude journal” before so I would like to give it a shot and keep it as a record for any time I’m feeling a bit down in the dumps. This is supposed to be good way to keep your outlook on life positive, which makes sense as if you think about the positive things in your life more than the negative ones, well that basically is your outlook isn’t it? We are what we think to a large degree!
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I am not a professional anything, and you should treat all the words you read on this site as ones that exist for your infotainment only. Even the ones in this disclaimer. I will not be held responsible for any kind of outcome from you following the advice or hint of a suggestion made on this blog, and will not be liable for any emotional damage inflicted by the stinkingly bad puns contained within. Read at your own risk. Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links, if you support me via these links I will be forever in your debt, not in any monetary sense of course. Like I'd actually put that in the disclaimer! Hah!
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