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Welcome to theFIREstarter! If you are interested in themes such as Financial Independence, Retiring Early, Downshifting, or simply just working less and living more then please stick around, I think we’ll get on just fine 🙂
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If you want to get the full story you can start from the very first post here or for a more casual read, just see what catches your eye on the list of all posts page.
My thoughts and plans have slightly changed in the few years since I set up the blog, you can learn a little bit more about me and the main points on what those plans were and how they've changed here, here, here, here and finally here.
If you'd like to keep a track of new developments, money saving tips, money making tips, my adventures in attempting self sufficiency and simple living, free financial hacks and spreadsheets, and my general musings on Financial Independence, Personal Finance, investing, and the occasional humorous rant, then please consider following along. Those links again:
Before you ask, yes I am available for freelance Photoshop airbrushing work!
Happynomics/Happinomics, or the economics of happiness, or as real economists like to call it: “the economics of subjective well-being“, is a very important topic to your average Firestarter, because ultimately that is what becoming financially independent via the route of frugality and simple efficient living is all about:
Maximising happiness while minimising cost.
MMM is always banging on about this, and with good reason, as there is plenty of anecdotal and empirical evidence to suggest that the amount of absolute wealth a person (or country) has and their happiness are not particularly correlated. An important paper was written way back in 1974 about all this by Richard Easterlin who “discovered” what is now known as the Easterlin Paradox, which states:
“high incomes do correlate with happiness, but long term, increased income doesn’t correlate with increased happiness”
Just a bit of fun today, with a short personal finance quiz (I could have called it a test but that sounds definitely not like fun), that got sent to me the other day by Totally Money. They got around 40 of us blogger types to have a go at it to see if we really do know our ISAs from our elbows.
Before we look at what score old muggins here got, along with where I came in the top 40 1, why don’t you have a crack at it yourself?! If you enter before midnight on the 14th December 2014 you can enter a prize draw to win an iPad 2 as well! The link to the quiz is here:
No cheating please (remember you are only cheating yourself, and you won’t have a better chance of winning the iPad with a better score as it is a random prize draw!)
I always dreamed of having an entry in the top 40 charts as a kid, but it wasn’t quite like this. Funny how things turn out eh? 🙂 ↩
I was very wary of adding “win an iPad” to the post title due to the recent I’ve been hacked debacle… don’t want to p**s off “the big G” any further than I (inadvertently) probably have already! ↩
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My WordPress blog has been hacked! Well at least I am 99% sure it has anyway. Not sure if anyone else noticed but there has been this in the top left hand corner of the page for god knows how long:
I don’t know how long it has been there* because whenever you are logged into WordPress:
You can’t see it because of the logged in/ WordPress account bar at the top
I think the code that was hacked in was clever enough to not show this to a logged in user
So anyway just to clear everything up, I am not peddling Viagra as one of my side hustles, and apologies to everyone who has seen this strange message for the last X days/months!
How to fix your blog if you think you’ve been hacked
As you may or may not know, we moved house about a month ago. While this does not exactly make me an expert in the property business, it turned out to be quite a long and drawn out process (which seems rather typical) and along the way I picked up some pretty good tips. Some were from the fair readers and commenters of this very blog, some were things that we did that worked out well for us, and some are things that we would have done differently had we been given the chance to do it again (erm, no thanks!) or the discovery of a time machine in our new cupboard under the stairs (well now that would be rather cool wouldn’t it!?).
As they say “sharing is caring” so it would be a bit mean not to pass such wisdom along to the next set of home buyers out there that might need it, so brace yourself… here come da tips:
Thanks to regular commenter Living Cheap In London who put me onto this with this comment. Basically they are mortgage broker who pays you to use their services. Well that’s certainly novel isn’t it? To be clear, they obviously get paid a commission from the mortgage providers as well, but they pay you a percentage of that, whereas most brokers take the commission and charge you for their services, the cheeky blinders! Service was excellent throughout and despite a few hiccups along the way, our advisor really worked hard to get us the best deal approved. We got the £187.50 cash back paid into our account last week, roughly one month after completion. How awesome is that?!
They also do remortgages so use them even if you aren’t moving and just want to switch to the best deal!
*I have no affiliation with MBM and therefore am purely recommending them on having a good experience with dealing with them and the fact that I think they have a great business model! There are no doubt other cash back mortgage brokers out there so have a google around and DYOR as usual.
It’s quite long so here is the tl;dr summary in bullet point form:
There is a large body of research to show that the mid-life crisis is a “real thing” that most of us will experience in some degree
It follows a general life satisfaction U-shaped curve, which bottoms out (i.e. least satisfied) around the ages of 45-50
This U-curve is consistent across research done across many countries, cultures, and even with other primates
The feelings of the mid-life dip can often be the feeling of dissatisfaction despite success in life, combined with feeling ungrateful about the whole damn thing
These feelings generally alleviate as you age into your fifties, perhaps because you realise time is getting limited
Personally, I don’t want to go through a mid-life crises, but it strikes me that there is a potential for early retirement to cause an early mid-life crisis, perhaps because you suffer from a feeling of loss of purpose when you finish your job, amongst other factors.
On the other hand, it could well completely short circuit this whole psychological effect, especially if you really get into the whole FIRE scene with gusto.
Overall, I think the second of these two scenarios is far more likely to play for most early retirees, and one of the reasons for that is further on in the article, where there is an excellent section on wisdom:
“…I started wondering whether the life satisfaction we were seeing in older people was related to their becoming wiser with age, in spite of physical disability.”
“All across the world, we have an implicit notion of what a wise person is.” The traits of the wise tend to include compassion and empathy, good social reasoning and decision making, equanimity, tolerance of divergent values, comfort with uncertainty and ambiguity. And the whole package is more than the sum of the parts, because these traits work together to improve life not only for the wise but also for their communities. Wisdom is pro-social. (Has any society ever wanted less of it?) Humans, Jeste says, live for an unusually long time after their fertile years; perhaps wisdom provides benefits to our children or our social groups that make older people worth keeping around, from an evolutionary perspective.
I get the feeling that most seeking to FIRE are also those that will try to seek as much wisdom as possible at a young age, and therefore will either completely bypass any potential mid-life satisfaction dip or at the least fast forward onto the wisdom-enlightened upward slope of the curve.
I would also hazard a guess that being free to spend your time as you wish, and not having to worry about earning a wage to pay the bills helps enormously with these sort of matters 🙂
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