random update – aka what the hell have I been up to over the last 3 months!?
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Random photo from Summer
Hey all!
Sorry for the radio silence around here for the last 3 months. Summer happened and things kinda got out of hand haha.
Anyway, thought it would be best to kick off posting again with a brief update on a few things. Here we go…
Work has thoroughly p**sed me off to the extent that I’m 100% leaving as soon as the next bonus hits in January. The main two reasons being:
- Pay rise request denied: I applied for a pay rise, the powers that be came back with a negative and said it’s because “I’m not bringing anything extra to the role”. Well that’s funny because I gave a list of things of why I was bringing extra to the role and my line manager agreed with it all. But that’s it, you don’t actually get to speak to the guys who decide anymore, they hide behind this extra layer of bureaucracy now. Jokes. Plus, you know that thing called inflation, yea you’ve basically given me a 10% pay cut over the last 3 years due to zero pay rise. Cheers fellas!
- Lack of recruitment: Our department has been understaffed for a few years now anyway, and someone left in January. By May time it was clear they weren’t actually going to replace him (not that they actually told us this up front though. Great “employee focused” management there). I kicked up a minor stink about it and got a boatload of corp-speak about having to have business justification and us having to provide alternative road-maps depending on whether they hire a new body or not, plus any number of other management buzz words du jour. Why can’t people just act upon the blindingly obvious nowadays? Someone left in an understaffed team and so it’s overwhelmingly likely they will need replacing. You should be providing business justification not to replace them, not the other way around. I wouldn’t mind if the company was struggling and the purse strings were generally tight, but It is particularly galling because we get emails stating things like “we’re not going fast enough” and also they are hiring tonnes of other people in other areas such as “customer insight” teams and middle managers. Who do they actually expect to do the work these other teams are generating? You can’t “good idea” your way towards higher profits if no one is actually doing the dirty work of implementing those ideas. Truly bizarre.
Anyway I could write a full scale rant about the above situations but will stop there, as I’m kinda over it now and have just decided to leave them to it. I would quit now but I’m so close to the next bonus which is being paid in January! I also need to earn enough/pay enough tax this year to offset some tax I want to claim back from the SEIS/EIS fund I invested in late last year, so I think I can just about stick it out
We’ve had a great summer in general with another family holiday to the Isle of Wight, plenty of other fun days and weekends out/away and topped it off with 4 weeks off work towards the latter half of August. Cannot complain with any of that!
We managed to convert our random little utility room at the front of our house from a junk store:
To a nice utility room / home office combo:
It’s pretty cramped in there at times, especially when the washing is hanging up on a clothes dryer but it’s definitely a workable solution for when I leave work early next year and I finally have my own space to work from home properly, whoop!
We paid a carpenter/builder to fit out the room with proper stud walls and insulation as it was just bare brick previously, plus new lights and electric points etc. But the rest of the units, painting and flooring and finishing off I did myself, so saved a bit of money and it wasn’t too expensive overall.
We also got a nice garden store box which we stuck in the front garden:
(This is half built, it does have a roof, haha!)
Next year we’re going to get a bike shed as TFS Jr is finally old enough to get a proper bike at Christmas, which means I am going to treat myself to one as well. MMM would be proud (or more likely say “why the f**k has it taken you 6 years!? you big wussypants?”)
We had a small tomato/cucumber/bean harvest which TFS Junior loved helping me pick, running around the garden shouting “beans, beans, beans!!!!”. Would she eat any of our homegrown produce though? Would she ‘eck! Here is an interesting looking specimen we picked though:
Personal Project
The final, and perhaps most important reason which really drove the nail home about being 100% sure I would quit work, and especially why I wouldn’t just look for a new job, is that I’ve been working on a personal software project and I’ve become absolutely wrapped up in it. This is also why things have been quiet around here as nearly all of my spare time I’ve spent working on it.
It’s been great fun, very rewarding, and I’ve loved just doing something off of my own back and making my own decisions on every little thing, rather than listen to the opinion of 15 other people which I value about as much as a cornucopia of slugs giving me advice on how to keep my vegetable patch in good nick.
The main point though, in case you missed it, is that I’ve really enjoyed this process.
Sign me up to more of this sh*t please!
I’ve been staying up till 1am on many nights to get extra coding in I’ve been that excited about it. It’s been tiring, but it’s been worth it, and I’ve created something I’m actually quite proud of.
It also really highlights what I could achieve if I didn’t have a 9-5 job filling up most of my time!
“What the hell is it then?” I hear you asking!
Well, I can’t really reveal too much unfortunately, but it is to do with gambling – not really much of a shock there if you’ve been a long time follower of the blog, haha.
I also have a second idea that I’ve already started that I hopefully will be able to reveal to you all, and I think could help a lot of people out who are interested in Each Way Betting. I already have a prototype of it running so will do a proper post on this very soon.
Watch this space!!!
I mentioned a while back that I’ve kinda given up tracking the spending, my plan was to do a 6 monthly update. Well that’s long gone and I still can’t be bothered, however I did check all our accounts and got a rough Net Worth calculation so here it is:
Excluding house equity: £235,942 / +£46,887 / +24.8%
Including house equity: £326,817 / +£47,239 / +16.9%
Liquid Freedom: £123,412 / +£28,675 / +30.27%
Not too shabby! Just quietly steamed passed the 300K barrier in total NW at some point during the year. NBD
I don’t think 6 years ago I would even believe I’d have let such a milestone go so unnoticed but as recently mentioned, auto-pilot seems to be a thing now. What is great is that having a base and getting your financial sh*t even remotely together, it then free’s up your brain to concentrate on other things (such as side hustling and increasing income) which definitely feels like what has happened over the years.
The main bulk in the increase liquid freedom has come from matched betting income, plus unfortunately my Nan died during the summer so we got a small inheritance from that as well. The extra increases in the other categories are from paying off the mortgage principal, and gains and more additions to pension pots (SIPP and work pension)
I might try to just do a Net Worth update every month from now on as it is very simple to do, far easier then tracking all expenses. And if Net Worth is constantly going up then it means I have a positive savings rate (in a general and long term view, at least) so if that keeps on happening I know we’re moving in the right direction.
I’ll leave it there for now but hopefully that’s given you an idea of what I’ve been up to over the last 3 months, and I will sign off by saying Happy Blogoversary from way back in July when TFS turned 6 years old!
That’s practically geriatric in Blog years, and still (just about!) going
Discussion (25) ¬
Welcome back TFS (I know I see you on #slack but I’m just being polite!)
Belated happy blogoversary – 6 years is a mighty achievement! Veteran, not geriatric!
Hear you on the ‘hiring in the wrong places’ – far too many middle managers or heavy focus on the commercial side (to get the ‘brand’ out there), not enough drones to do the actual work itself. Makes absolute sense for you to hang around to get that bonus.
Am well impressed with your vegetable growing, not made any attempt this year but may give it another go next year (still got those reservoir pots I bought a while ago).
Sorry to hear about the loss of your Nan and all the best with your Personal Project!
weenie recently posted…Timing of FIRE
My mum is an NHS nurse and gets so frustrated with all the middle managers. The staff doing the actual care work are all thinking, “we need the literal shit shovellers here. Not yet another person to chide us for not meeting our targets”.
Fretful Finance recently posted…Save More Money Using the Trickle, Drip and Splash
This is so true! Seems to be happening everywhere.
Get rid of them all and use the money to pay the worker drones more as they are actually the ones getting sh*t done I say!!!
You are always so polite weenie, thanks for the kind words as always, and see you on slack
Congrats on taking the leap come January – I’ve no doubt that FireStarter Inc. can yield far more fun, freedom and income than any job. Good on you
Dan recently posted…Monthly Update #15 – August
I really hope that’s true Dan!
Thanks for stopping by and hope you can work something out for yourself soon
Your work sure sounds like a ball ache. I hate when companies cloak shitty management decisions in obscure management speak:
“We’re adopting a lean team structure” = “we’re not employing anyone else and will work you all until you break”.
“We’re rationalising the business” = “there will be redundancies”.
On the plus side, excited to hear about your new ventures as and when you can talk about them!
Fretful Finance recently posted…Save More Money Using the Trickle, Drip and Splash
It’s a classic case of first world problems, moaning about politics etc in my cushty sat in an office all day job.
But yea, I don’t see why the management type folks can’t just talk straight, admit when mistakes have been made, and not use crappy buzz words. It’s just pointless and annoys everyone.
Cheers, will divulge more info pretty soon so watch this space!
Welcome back! How I’ve missed those rants! So excited for you to quit your job and keep. On pursuing things that you love!
Thanks LMF, glad you enjoy my occasional rantings and ravings haha.
If you need any advice on your veg patch i would recommend watching Charles Dowding youtube videos. And start yourself a worm compost bin/tower to eat up all your kitchen scraps. The little one should be fascinated by it.
All the best with your new system. Staying ahead of the bookies and being able to get the money on are problems that i’m sure you’re all too aware of. I’ve not been active on the exchanges for a while now as the bookie owners have effectively shut them down. Still, more time for me to be growing all the Brexit crops.
Hi Kid Cocoa,
Thanks for the tips, will check him out as growing season approaches next year.
It’s the getting the money on thing that has really hit me, so looking for ways around that. I think I’ve found one but it’s early days yet….
Thanks as always for stopping by, and at least I know where to go once the food shortages hit… haha
Congratulations on your blog milestone, your net worth milestone — but most of all that stunning transformation in the front of your house.
It’s not so much a conversion as a time machine — it looks like you’ve jumped from a 1970s sauna to a 2010s show apartment!
Didn’t you do something fancy with your garden a few years ago, too? These are indeed hands-on skills MMM would endorse!
Hello TI, thanks for stopping by
Haha, it does look a bit like a sauna now you mention it! Maybe another transformation back to this look once the kid(s) have left home in 20 years time could be on the cards, a sauna sounds pretty good.
Yea sorted the garden to some extent a few years ago, it was a big improvement (got rid of old crumbling decking, put down patio, re-turfed the rest) but it’s an ongoing project with minor improvements being made year on year. That’s kind of what I like about gardens, it doesn’t cost a lot to keep making small improvements.
Great update. I’m really looking forward to seeing your new development. I had started something with a friend who was doing the coding but he became ill several months ago and stopped, so things never really got off the ground. We had 2 different concepts, both of which worked in theory it was the implementation that was difficult. Hoping youve beaten us to at least one of these!
Hi Gizigalonfire,
Sounds interesting…. will drop you an email to find out if we could continue with that and/or collaborate somehow.
Seems like you had a mega summer! Holidays, gardening, working on personal projects – it all sounds really satisfying. Look forward to hearing about your next chapter when you come to it
Cheers Mindy, hope you had a great summer
Thanks for the detailed updated!
Hello TFS. I’ve been a fan of yours for quite a few months. I particularly liked your post on whether or not it’s sensible to take a punt on Cryptos, as it’s more realistic than what the fanboys or fear mongers say.
Anyway, what do you think of Junior SIPPS? They could be useful for inter-generational FIRE, but I’m wondering if they are too long-term?
Hey TFS,
Sorry to hear that your work has been so rubbish. I became very disillusioned with working in IT offices after several different contracts where the corporate bulls*!t & office politics drove me to despair.
All of the jargon, buzz words and lack of plain talking makes me think of the state of our politics in general where it’s all about spin. Is this the way the world is going? I do wish we could just have more honesty, I would find it so refreshing and have so much more respect for politicians. As it is I can’t watch them spinning their rubbish, simply don’t trust any of them sadly

Corinna | Inspiring Life Design recently posted…I ticked another thing off my bucket list!
I know how you feel about work. Today’s corpo world has no limitations to stupidity. Glad to see your net worth grow. It is quite funny to see how you no longer track it and instead you are surprised to be passing the 300k mark. Keep up the good work.
I don’t know what you are complaining about – 3 month’s worth of humblebragging in one post – it was almost too much.
You seem to have a better life than me! or at least your grass is greener than mine.
Well done on reaching the landmark. I think that about £300k is a bit of a game changer as a 1% swing in the markets can be more than your pay packet – but the ball starts rolling now!
Gentleman’s Family Finances recently posted…Contracting Wisdom: Don’t let the tax tail wag the spending dog
Hi TFS, I really sympathise with your work situation, but glad to hear you are leaving soon! Will you be going part-time afterwards in a new job or are you free and clear forever?
All the best,
Xailter recently posted…The kettle that beats the stock market!