sensational september – income/expenses and “other” updates

A tale of two cheques! The bank clerk was a bit surprised at the differing amounts as you might expect 🙂
Another month of 2015 down, only 3 to go. How mad does that sound?!
Quickly onto some figures for you. Would it surprise you if I said that this month our savings rate was… bum ba-ba-baaaaahhh:
Let’s do the income breakdown this month first as that is where most of the action is…
income breakdown
The stars just aligned this month and we got a double whammy of extra income:
- I cashed my work share save scheme in and the shares had gained a very nice amount, about £2,300!
- Got the tax rebate paid from my SIPP contributions + tax return, which was £3,000
The bad news is that this is clearly not sustainable… booo. It’s nice to get a bumper month every so often though, that is for sure.
It was also the first month where I am on reduced pay due to going part time (which I am still thoroughly enjoying so far in case you missed it 🙂 ). So my pay has dropped from around £2700 to £2200 this month. It is worth noting that I think they’ve completely messed up my tax code so I am not expecting £2200 every month going forward (i.e. it should be less), I need to ring HRMC next week to confirm what is going on there.
On top of all that I also withdrew the money out of my TopCashback* 1 account that’s been building up for a while which was £109.
So that was all the income excitement this month!
expenses breakdown
Expenses were rather more average coming in at £2,866. I really thought we were going to come in much lower than that but then the classic happened and we got a few bills that you always forget about, the TV Licence (£145) and house insurance (£84), plus a few other bits n bobs. Still, not the end of the world, and we were away (yes, again!) in Bath for our wedding anniversary.
Other “highlights” 🙂 include:
- Groceries £216 – About average for us and slowly going back down again after having a few expensive months of entertaining people in summer.
- Holiday £230 – Seemed quite reasonable for 2 nights away in Bath and Longleat
- Dining & Drinking £204 – This is actually low compared to our average this year 🙂 which is now at £285/month
- Petrol £101 – This is above average due to driving to Bath!
- Golf £68 – Below average but got an expensive October coming up on this one.
- Clothes £99 – After a few months of going well on this Mrs T let herself loose a bit this month. She has a good excuse though which I will come onto shortly 🙂
- Alcohol £42 – Around half of this was an ale brewing kit which I will be firing up very soon 😉
- Gambling £5 / Lottery £11 – Much lower than previous months and this is the last payment (I think) for the lottery for Mrs T, which is good news.
- Running events £60 – I signed up to two half marathons in Feb. More on this next week! 😉
- We spent a fair bit on charity, gifts and birthdays. It was my in-laws ruby wedding anniversary and I felt the need to put my money where my mouth is on the refugees crisis.
As usual if you want to have a look at the whole breakdown and/or copy the spreadsheet to modify for your own uses then by all means have a look at it here.
Our average expenditure is now still well above what I targeted (£2,666) at £2,976. I don’t think we can pull it back down to that level by the end of the year, but we can try to get as close as possible. I don’t think there will be any more big bills to come now and dining and drinking expenses should continue to fall because we have some other rather big news to share….
meet TFS Jr
Possibly a rather nice spanner in the FI works, as UTMT puts it 🙂
Yes, we are having a baby! Some of you may have noticed Mrs T’s tee totalling it at the York meetup?! Or maybe that just slipped under the radar as we were all just getting to know each other. Anyway either way, that was the reason she was being very reserved on the alcohol front that weekend 🙂
To be honest, this doesn’t really change all that much financially for us, and if anything I think it will help us batten down the hatches and get our spending down further. We’ll be going out and drinking a lot less, that is for sure, and that has already stared to show through in the bottom line a little. Oh and this is also why Mrs T’s clothing spending has gone slightly up this month, but this should go back to normal next month, I am assured 😉
Obviously there will be all new things to spend our hard earned on for the little one, with various companies trying to put the frighteners on us telling us we are horrendous parents if we don’t buy their products, but we’ve both agreed to be rational about it.
Besides, from what I hear from most people I know you are inundated with barely used hand me downs anyway so we’ll probably only end up buying a few small token items new, so we don’t feel like total leeches on society if anything else… 😀
net worth and investments update
In all that excitement I nearly forgot to do the Net Worth update! It has, thankfully, gone back up again this month. The stock market has about held steady so it’s mainly due to the good savings rate. Net worth figures this month are:
Excluding house equity: £92,741 / +£4,985 / +5.68%
Including house equity: £162,609 / +£5,367 / + 3.41%
I made three stock purchases this month as income was high and the market remains fairly good value from my amateur perspective (please remember this is not advice, it’s just what I did!):
- I was keeping an eye on the Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield ETF (VHYL:LN) and I said if it dropped below £30 per unit I would wade in. It duly did at some point during the month so I bought £2,000 of it in my Charles Stanley Direct ISA
- I also bought £1,500 of VHYL in my BestInvest SIPP
- I also bought £2,000 worth of Vanguard Lifestrategy 100% Equity (VGL100A:LN) which went through with terrible timing and executed at the highest price it had been all month! 😀 – In 10 years time that will be a minor blip so it’s not worth worrying about those sort of things.
Well that was my exciting and sensational September, I hope yours was as good as mine was! 🙂
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Discussion (34) ¬
Awesome on all fronts TFS. Everyone tells you how much your life will change with a baby, but nothing prepares you for it. It’s great
Cheers GF, I am looking forward to the challenges and joy it will hopefully bring us 🙂
Congratulations TFS that’s fantastic news!
Now you get a whole new set of spending hurdles to jump but I’m sure you’re both up to the task 🙂
Thanks alot FIbrarian!
Yes I think our spending priorities will shift massively over the next 6-12 months. It will be interesting to say the least and I am sure it will provide a lot of inspiration for subjects to blog about as well 🙂
Congratulations! Word on the street is that these baby type creatures can be very expensive if you get carried away.. hopefully you’ll manage to keep things cheap and baby happy.
Thanks ERG!
I have enough experience with my neice and nephew to know that at least up until the age of 8 they haven’t been brainwashed with the concept that expensive things are better (my sister probably takes a lot of credit for that as well though). So they are just as happy to play with toys that cost £1 or £100, so you may as well just get the £1 ones!
I think it’s usually the parents that are instilling their overspending values on their kids up until around that age, and from then on the kids just inherit what the parents have taught them so it’s a catch 22. If you are spendy you are gonna raise kids that always want more, so you only have yourself to blame (so please don’t moan about them… you idiots!!!) 😀
It’s easy for me to throw these accusations around as a backseat parent but I will hopefully get to prove myself right over the next 18 years. I wonder if the blog will still be around by then! Maybe I’ll be the embarassing Dad with the PF blog haha…
Cheers again!
Wow congratulations TFS!
I’m so pleased for you both. Well done!
Nice one on the baby too. 🙂
Speak soon!
Cheers matey, speak soon! 🙂
Big congratulations on the baby news. You’re right not to even factor in a cost – you can’t put any price on having children. It’s a priceless experience!
Thanks Jim for the congrats and the wise words 🙂
Supet, a mini firestarter onthe way! Congratz!
Enjoy the 70pct savings rate while you can… Babys can be expensive, but they are all worth it!
He he, cheers Ambertree!
I am sure they are worth it, we are looking forward to finding out 🙂
Wah Hay! Congrats on all fronts there TFS!
We look forward to the posts on baby-raising the FI way 🙂
Thanks MikeS 🙂
Yes, I am hoping to follow in the footsteps of MMM et al and prove that having a baby does not scupper the best laid financial plans!
Congratulations on all counts TFS!! We don’t have kids (nor are we planning to..) but from what I hear they take up a fair amount of time and effort, but I am sure with your mindset you will bring them up well! The main thing is to keep them educated that expensive does not always mean its better!
All the best, and I will continue to watch with interest – keep it up!
Thanks London Rob on all counts 🙂
Hopefully we can pass on lots of financial education but it’s worth bearing in mind kids tend to want (need?) to make their own mistakes anyway, I know I certainly did, ha ha.
Wow, firstly, massive congratulations to you and Mrs T! I did notice that she wasn’t drinking but didn’t mention it since I didn’t know if she was just normally teetotal or that she was just a bit wary of getting drunk with a bunch of strangers! Brilliant news! When is the baby due? Looking forward to pictures of your handiwork decorating the baby’s room already… 🙂
Secondly, well done on an unbelievably amazing savings rate. Great to see you putting in as much as possible as it will undoubtedly be somewhat harder to save when TFS Jr is born.
Still, I’m sure it won’t belong before TFS Jr has his own pension and Junior ISA set up! 🙂
Interesting to see that you have invested in VHYL as that’s the only ETF I’ve currently invested in. However, I’m toying with the idea of transferring my stakeholder pension into a SIPP that will be invested in ETFs only so I’ll increase my holding of VHYL – need to read up more about the transfer process.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your exciting news! All the best to you and Mrs T!
Very astute of you weenie!
She is most definitely not normally tee total that is for sure 😉
It’s 26th March so got a while yet to do the decorating, but I am sure time will go quickly as it normally seems to.
Cheers on the savings rate. The bad news is I think the next couple of months could be a zero % (or even negative) as we are starting to buy up stuff for the bathroom refit, but we’ll see how it goes. It felt good to stick away lot’s of it into ISA’s and still have a lot left over for the house improvements so it seems like a pretty good balance. I love share save schemes, gutted I don’t have one any more! 🙁
Yes VHYL seems like a really cool for me ETF as it’s like an index but has good income prospects. I was chatting to Huw in York about the psychology between Acc and Inc funds and saying I was leaning towards Inc funds because it’s nice to see what dividends your funds are paying, even if that is technically less effecient than the Acc funds which reinvests them automatically. So seeing as I am thinking already thinking along those lines then the VHYL ETF makes even more sense (I think!). It’s kind of a lazy mans dividend investing isn’t it?
Cheers again and take it easy!
I’m just transferring my ISA from cash to a stocks and shares account with AJ Bell YouInvest. I decided a week or two ago I wanted to buy VHYL and I’m just watching it soar whilst my account is still in the process of being set up. Soooo frustrating to watch the opportunity pass me by! I don’t think it’ll be very good value by the time I actually have the funds ready to commit. Damn!
…oh and congrats on the pregnancy!
Hi Dom,
Thanks! 🙂
With regards to the VHYL, it’s still fairly low when you compare it to the 52 week highs and lows.
It’s 31.87 as I write this, the 52 week low is 29.16 and the high is 36.26 i.e. 13.7% higher than it is today. It may be slightly annoying seeing it going up when you want to buy today but in 5 or 10 years time those few extra percentage points won’t mean all that much, especially after receiving all those years of dividends!
Cheers and good luck!
Congratulations Firestarter 🙂 Great news all round. 🙂
Thanks Cathybird! 🙂
Congrats, and welcome to the challenging world of parenthood! 🙂
Cheers Beard of Stock! 🙂
Well congratulations. Can’t say I noticed Mrs TFS being teetotal in York, but I didn’t particularly notice who was doing what outside of the 3 people sitting nect to me.
Looking forward to seeing you at the “Obsessed with Devizes” FIRE Escape. We can swap baby notes and I can give you some tips on about 1 million way in which we saved money i.e. what crap you need that they don’t tell you about, and what crap you definitely can live without.
The baby will not ruin your FI plans, but you will need to rein in your spending a lot more as they do eat you out of house and home as they get onto solids… and they just keep growing so you have to keep buying clothes for them, even if they’re second-hand…
But most of all, you can be putting aside money to set the little blighter up with its own Junior SIPP and JISAs and normal bank account – then s/he’ll be on its way to FI from the get-go.
CU in a couple of weeks and CONGRATS once again
Cheers (with non-alcoholic drink in hand)
It was probably less noticeable in the day time meet anyway TBH M.
Getting some frugal baby tips will be great, looking forward to it
I can see the constant growing could become a problem on the clothing budget, and then there’s school uniforms and all the other gear… oh what have we let ourselves in for!?! Haha 😀
Fantastic news TFS – many congratulations 🙂
Thank you Cerridwen 🙂
AWESOME news! 70% is outstanding 🙂
And that’s fantastic news about the wee firestarter 😀 Proof that FI is possible with kids inbound!
Thanks Mr Z!
It will be interested to see how it pans out. Will I stick with the current plan, end up going back to full time employment due to a barage of spiralling baby related costs, or decide that I need even more time at home with the littlun and quit the corporate job completely? Who knows! It will be exciting to find out 🙂
Congratulations TFS! I’ve heard too many people say “to be honest it won’t change anything” and seen it change everything to be so sure myself, but none of them regret the changes. 🙂
Thanks TI! 🙂
Haha… I agree that is quite a naive statement to make. Of course many things will change! I think many of them will be for the better, although you gotta take the rough with the smooth eh.