disastrous(?!) december update – income / expenses and other updates
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Yay Christmas! It’s over for another year… get over it :op. This is the tallest Christmas tree in the UK, in case you were wondering. (Wakehurst place, Sussex)
Why a disastrous December? Well it was only on the spending front but fully to be expected. Apart from that December was another cracking month for us, I got *most* of a bathroom teardown and rebuild finished, and we had lot’s of fun over the Christmas break. We also found out that Mrs T will now NOT be made redundant. See here for the initial story on that if you missed it, but now they’ve done a complete U-Turn and decided to have the office stay open and everyone can keep their jobs. So it turns out that, yes, those management people really were just incompetent buffoons! Go figure!
Anyway, back to the financial stuff… let’s find out how it all went down!
Here are some interesting points of our income this month:
- My salary £1864 – WTF! Down again from last month, in fact the last three months read: £2244, £2015, £1864. I hope it doesn’t keep going down as I’ll end up paying my company to work time next year! On a serious note, the tax man is clearly throwing a bit of a wobbly at the moment. I can’t really be bothered to sort it out and as April will be here before I know it and I don’t really need any money right now, I think I will just leave it until tax year end and claim anything back I need to then.
- Gifts £350 – My parents kindly offered to buy us a pram/travel system type thing for the baby. Yet again, we are blessed to have such kind parents/in-laws! You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth though and all that. We did a lot of research and settled on a £350 pram (it’s this one here if there are any budding parents to be out there who might be interested!). They said they’d pay up to £500 but this one seemed more than enough and ticked all the boxes, so that is the one we went for. You can go pretty wild buying these travel system type things, £800 was an average model according to some people we spoke to (gulp!) so although £350 is a lot of money I still feel like we’ve been mildly frugal in this area, while still getting good bang for the buck.
- Sold items £22 – Sold Mrs T’s broken old iPhone for £22 after charges, nay bad… aye?!
- TopCashback £39 – Yea! I love me some cashback!
- Gambling £261 – This is probably the final month of any decent returns but I still have some funds ticking over. It’s been fun while it’s lasted and who knows I might find some new unsuspecting bookies to pounce upon in the future! (Fun fact: I had my Boylesport and Bet365 accounts pretty much shut down last month! Oops!
Total income: £3640
Another great month for income! I should have gone part time sooner, it’s well easy this not working lark (jokes!)
As usual if you want the full break down just have a look at the google sheets spreadsheet here.
We spent a whopping £3316 this month, but again like last month, by taking off the DIY bathroom stuff, that comes down to £2756. Which doesn’t seem so bad considering Christmas and all that jazz! Anyway here are the rest of the “highlights”!
- Home & Garden £576 – Includes the aforementioned £560 for bathroom stuff and £17 worth of “soft furnishings” whatever they are when they are at home (which they are, cos it’s in the home & garden section!)
- Gifts & Charity £532 – Obviously a large majority of this was on Christmas presents but we also have a few close family birthdays in December. All part of the fun but we could have been a tad more frugal here I think if I’m truly honest!
- Golf £55 – Although the weather’s actually been pretty good I just haven’t had the time to play, too busy doing other productive activities, so all good!
- Groceries £325 – Nice to go out of 2015 on a high on this one I suppose! Hah! Seriously though, we’ll get this down to £200/month average in 2016 if it kills me (not that unlikely if we start dumpster diving to achieve it!)
- Going out £274 – This seems quite low for December but Mrs T isn’t drinking so I’ll put it down to that. The hidden benefits of being preggo!
- Clothes £89 – Trending back down to “normal” levels (for us) so fairly happy with this
- Children £350 – As stated above we bought a pram/travel system type thingy.
savings rate
Scraped in at a lowly 23% but to even save anything during December would be a miracle bigger than the virgin birth for most consumers, so we’ll have to take it and move on to 2016. This brings the total savings rate for 2015 to 48.86% which, although is annoyingly close to a nice round figure of 50%, I’m still well chuffed with!
net worth and investments
No new investments again this month, just haven’t had time to look at it. Our cash accounts are looking pretty decent now though and markets have dropped again so might look to chuck some money in an ISA or SIPP over the next week.
Net worth still rose very, very slightly:
Excluding house equity: £98,147 / +£159 / +0.16%
Including house equity: £169,161 / +£541 / +0.32%
I’m going to do a full yearly financial review very soon which will detail all of the figures for the whole year so watch out for that!
other updates
- I managed to get out on a few short runs and am pacing nicely under 7 mins/mile, which is a great base to start from. However to hit my goals laid out here I need to get comfortable running at down to 6:15 mins/mile, and not for just 3 miles but 13 miles. Gulp! I’ve got 7 weeks until the first half marathon so it’s a big ask but I’ll give it my best shot. I believe if I push myself hard enough I can do it so just got to get on and do it now. I’m really looking forward to a healthier January and getting my body back into good shape!
- As mentioned above, Mrs T is now not being made redundant, so that is one thing less to worry about, although it wouldn’t have made much difference anyway. There is still a lot of turbulence in her office though so it doesn’t make a great atmosphere for a 6 months pregnant lady!
- Alcohol… This is the one you all are waiting for isn’t it?!
– I came in at 36.36 units/week, which, although well over the recommended weekly limit of 20/week would not have been so bad if it hadn’t pretty much all came during the one week between Christmas day and NYE.
Oops! My liver is slowly recovering and I’m giving it pretty much the whole of January off if not February and March, as it’s been such a good boy.
That’s it for monthly updates from 2015! As I mentioned I will do a financial yearly review along with some other yearly reviews, I’ll try to crank them out ASAP otherwise we’ll be in June and I’ll still be writing about 2015. Over the next week or so you can look forward to:
- TFS vs Mrs T 2015 Spending Challenge results! – Oh the excitement! We’ve been running a monthly spending challenge to see who could spend the least over the whole year. Who won!? Stay tuned to find out!
- 2015 financial review – Where I tot up our average spending and income and all that malarky and I might even compare it to previous years just for shits n giggles.
- 2015 goals review – Did I hit all of my 2015 goals!?! (Spoiler Alert: no of course not, dufus! Did you not see the bloody list?! Who do you think I am, Super-Bat-Iron-Man!? Anyway… it’s still worth looking at how well I did and what can be improved upon this year, etc…)
- 2016 goals – This might be a slightly shorter document this year than last, as I’ll take a leaf out of both Mr Zombie and weenie’s book of goals and KISS.
- The bathroom rebuild is very nearly done! Just got to put a new radiator in and a bit of finishing touches with woodwork and painting and we’re there. Phew! Then I’m straight onto the Kitchen slap up at the end of January! No rest and all that…
Hope you all had a fantastic end to 2015, let me know what you got up to if you so wish to do so. Soooooo….!?
That’s great news re Mrs T – good to hear that the incompetence of the management turned out positve in the end.
It’ll be a few more months before there’s any real update at work for me – it’s supposedly ‘business as usual’, only it isn’t really!
The new ‘safetly level’ for alcohol is now 14/week, not 20/week – how they can work that out when everyone is different is anyone’s guess. Apparently they’re now saying even one drink a day is dangerous but so is eating a bacon sandwich! May as well just quit drinking and eating with all this scaremongering, haha! Moderation is the key.
Congrats on the savings rate, you were pretty much there at 50% (closer than I was at any rate!) – well done!
Anyway, looking forward to seeing how you did vs your 2015 and seeing your KISS 2016 goals!
Thanks weenie. Yea that was something I didn’t see coming!
I have my fingers crossed for you still
What!!! When did that happen!?!? No one told me haha!
I agree moderation is the key and that is what I’ll be still plugging away at this year. Should be a lot easier with a little one in tow… hangovers + screaming babies is not a good equation!
Cheers and catch up soon!
Hi TFS Happy New Year. I assume your gambling is on Matched Betting? I’ve been tinkering with this and have bagged fairly decent returns in my first month with all the opening offers. Getting the cash out is tricky all the same. Your post reminded me of the George Best quote that he spent most of his money on gambling, drinking and women. The rest, he wasted.
Yea a bit of matched betting and then have been trying to play up the winnings a bit and taking out profits when I feel it is worth it. The amounts I’m playing with are slowly dwindling so think I might just knock it on the head for a while if (who am I kidding… when) it runs out. However TMM seems to think you can be “earning” £2000/month from this, so I am going to keep an eye on it, fo’shizzle.
I love that quote from Bestie… genius!
Looking forward to seeing the bathroom remodel.
I’d round your savings rate up to 50%, call it a victory
Christmas is a hard time to be frugal, especially as you tend to align your spending with your family for christmas gifts! I’ve been trying to slowly reduce this one.
Happy New Year
Haha, OK I will if you round yours up to 60% and call that victory as well.
I’ll post a few pics of the bathroom soon. Glad someone is interested apart from me
Cheers and HNY!
Love it!
Got a wood work course coming up, then I plan lots of amateur shelves, cupboards and even a set of stairs into the attic. Can’t wait!
That’s an awful lot of alcohol. Geez. Be a good example to your kid and go to 10 drinks per week or less. And no binge drinking ever. That’s more than enough. You’ll also improve your chances of actually being around while the kid is growing up.
That’s an awful lot of pointing out the obvious. Geez
You are of course bang on the money though so I’ll let it slide this time around
(10 drinks per week is probably about 20 units, which is what I am aiming for, for what it’s worth)
We got one of these to complement our travel system which makes off road walking / public transport e.g. tube / cycling (although i’ve never seen anyone else doing this) with little ones more practical and you get a workout at the same time: https://www.littlelife.com/products/child-carriers/all-terrain-s2.
We did manage to shop around and with cashback it came in at under £150. If the future grandparents are desperate to spend £500, this may limit the number of cuddly and colourful plastic toys due to descend on you in 3 months time!
It was our only kiddie purchase i thought was a bit of an indulgence but it was well worth the money, used regularly (and has been put through its paces) and shouldnt be a problem to resell when it comes to it (although, what it will look like in 3.5 years after our next ones used it, i dont know).
I guess its too late for travel system reccomendations. Happy new year!
Thanks for the recommendation. Their promo vid made me laugh, he went to put the kid in it and he splayed his legs so wouldn’t go in, then it cut away with the kid already in there. Haha! Never work with children and animals as they say. It looks pretty handy though so will definitely do some further research and try work out how much use one might get.
Do you cycle with that on? I would be a bit worried about that.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on travel systems even though we’ve already bought ours…?
Thanks again!
Usually we dont cycle far i.e. 1-2 miles. It cuts down journey time nicely over walking if you need to pop to the shops/park. The longest i’ve done is 5 miles each way, but time became more of an issue then and she fell asleep on the way back!
The only thing the raincover dosent cover is when they poke their arms out, but this works well on the bike too.
If you do cycle off road e.g. canal towpath (nothing crazy), the sun shade lets you know if you’re too close to overhanging vegetation!
Its a bit unusual (and does make cycling much harder), but i see it as safe, if not safer than the “normal” child bike seats / trailers.
We went for the MothercareXpedior travel system after shopping around. It has the shopping bag underneath and adjustable handle (both of which are really useful) but its £200 and comes with a car seat which fits on the pram base too. Nearly three years on, its still going strong.
OK that’s good to know. I guess if you don’t hammer it along then like you say it must be as safe as those trailers!
Thanks for the extra info re: travel system. That looks like a mighty fine option for £200! We went to mothercare but don’t remember seeing that one.
Cheers again!
No worries. Well done on your 2015 goals, All the best to you and yours for 2016. Keep up the blogging, enjoy fatherhood and good luck smashing the running PB’s and financial goals.